Can You Teach (and Learn) Spanish, Mama?
Monday, 16 January 2023
Hey Mama, When they’re still small, it’s hard to believe our littles will ever get big—but my, how time flies! Before we know it, they’re in high school looking at electives and prepping for college—and we think, “What am I doing? I don’t know anything about teaching (or for that matter learning) a foreign language!”
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
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Homeschool Curriculum to Make Learning Spanish Fun
Friday, 27 August 2021
I have always wanted to learn Spanish. I took two years of high school Spanish, and then after college, I married the son of Colombian immigrants. My in-laws frequently conversed in Spanish with my husband, leaving me to rely on what I could recall from almost ten years earlier. Living in a culturally diverse
- Published in Articles, Blog, Foreign Language, Unit Study
Fun Ways to Learn a Foreign Language Online
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
When my children were younger, I thought my kids should learn Spanish. So, I tried several CD-ROMs, books, and even a couple of community classes to make this happen. At that time, you couldn’t do foreign language online. I didn’t pursue it just because learning a second language is a good idea. I had
- Published in - Resources, - Teaching Methods, Articles, Blog
Who’s Afraid of Biblical Hebrew?
Monday, 07 May 2018
See why Biblical Hebrew is now a practical and rewarding Christian homeschool choice for high school foreign language credits and lifelong Bible study tools. Thorough, encouraging, easy to use, creative lessons require no teacher experience beyond amen and hallelujah! Books, music, and DVDs for ages 9 and up from Alef Press. Biblical
- Published in - Promotional Posts, Articles, Blog
Spotlight on Five! ~ Homeschool Favorites
Friday, 15 January 2016
What was your favorite game as a child? I’m sure there are many different answers to that question, but I’ll bet you remembered exactly which game or toy was the most special to you. Those memories will stay with you and fill you with joy and happiness through your life. Which ones will your
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Spotlight on Five! ~ Homeschool Favorites
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Some curriculum just seems timeless. Everyone seems to know about it and love it, the books occupy treasured spots on our shelves and we warmly recommend them to our friends and family. It’s easy to forget that even those beloved resources were once new and those treasured spots were bare. Some of our resources
- Published in Advertisement, Blog, Homeschool Resources- Spotlight on 5
Spotlight on Five! ~ Foreign Language
Friday, 11 September 2015
Preschool in your Homeschool: Spotlight on 5 Preschool can mean tubs of colored rice, long walks in the park exploring worms, trees, and bugs. It can mean an opportunity to start teaching the letter of the week and number identification. It can mean using books to spark interest in hands-on activities, or worksheets, or calendars,
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Spotlight on Five! ~ Foreign Language
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
If you don’t speak a foreign language yourself (or it has been years since you last used your second language for anything more complex than naming colors or counting) the idea of teaching your child to speak another language can be daunting! Fortunately whether you are looking for Mandarin Chinese, ASL, Spanish or something else entirely there are programs
- Published in Advertisement, Blog, Homeschool Resources- Spotlight on 5