Deborah Wuehler is the Senior Editor of
TOS, wife to Richard, and homeschool
mom of eight for over 20 years. Deborah’s
passion is to encourage homeschool
families to keep their focus on Christ
and His Word, and to keep their children
Home . . . Where They Belong.
Deborah’s Workshop/Retreat
Topics :
Homeschooling Workshops
with PowerPoints and Handouts:
- Homeschooling the Rebel
- Homeschooling Through Hardship
- Before You Say, “I Quit!”
- The Importance of the Bible in the Homeschool
- Why Homeschool?
- Education: Why the Teacher Should be YOU!
- Remembering Why We Homeschool
- Socialized Children? NO THANK YOU
- Homeschooling: Living out a Christian Worldview
- Preparing Your Heart and Home for the New School Year
- Reading Struggles and Overcoming Obstacles
- Graduation Speech (to parents and graduates)
- The Cost of NOT Homeschooling
- Homeschooling With Heart
Devotional Workshops with
PowerPoints and Handouts:
- Prayer, Power, and Perseverance
- Do You Have All That You Need?
- What Do You Crave?
- Christ in Us: The Hope of Glory
- Where Is God?
- How Do You Present Yourself?
- I Don’t Know What to Do!
- What Is in a Day?
- God’s Freebies
- Marriage (The Death of Love; Marriage: First Love or Last Place?)
- Womanhood and Discipleship: Our Influence and Ministry
- A Time to Hunger and Thirst
- Prayer: A Continual Relationship
- Who Does God Say That He Is?
- God’s Provision of Grace
- What Is Your Ministry
To schedule speaking engagements, email Deborah
at SeniorEditor@TheOldSchoolhouse.com.