What’s next for your homeschooled high schooler? The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine is pleased to offer this collection of excellent resources to help you explore options for pointing your high schooler in the best direction. More than ever before, colleges, universities, and academies are not only vying for the attention of graduating homeschoolers but also offering a wide array of options for post-high school educations.

This site includes a directory of outstanding institutions—one of which may be just what your upcoming homeschool graduate is looking for! We’ve also compiled dozens of helpful articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, providing the answers you’re seeking during your child’s high school years. You’ll find support and resources here as you guide your son or daughter toward adulthood, whether he or she is college- or career-bound.

Does your homeschooler want to compete in a national competition? Learn more about the new National Academic Homeschool Competition brought to you by The Old Schoolhouse®.

We wish you the best as you prepare your high schooler for whatever step may be next. When your child’s days of studying at home come to an end and new doors open, congratulations are in order to you too, homeschool parents!


"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).