
Carrie McKernie, Georgia

I am a fairly new reader, but so far I find your magazine to be the most informative, encouraging and interesting homeschooling magazine available. You are really in touch with the homeschooling community and all the authors, curriculums, tools, etc. out there and I like how you keep tabs on the homeschooling “movement” politically and culturally.

Rose Crislip, Michigan

Hello, I received my first issue of TOS today and I am devouring every article and advertisement. I am new to homeschooling and I think to date this has been my best purchase. Thank you very much for putting your energies into informing us.

Vicky, Arizona

The pages of TOS overflow with ideas and thoughts that make me feel right at home … I’ve always been annoyed by magazines that are full of advertising, but with TOS, I find resources that make sense for real life! You have helped me to have the best year of homeschool I’ve had yet!

Deana P, Taiwan

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE TOS, and it helps me stay sane with homeschooling overseas, plus gives me ideas for the department of education here when they have evaluation time for the kids. Thanks!

Katrina V

Every issue is just like attending a homeschool conference,motivation galore! I receive many homeschool magazines, etc., but yours really stands heads above the rest.

Shannon L.

TOS I wanted to thank you for being such a blessing in my life! When I began almost 16 years ago, it was hard to locate other home education families. Your facebook page and your magazine are such a blessing to me and my family. Thank you, oh and thank you for the free digital fall issue too! Merry Christmas TOS!!

Autumn E.

I really loved to see that there were articles for the homeschool dad!! Its a rarity to find anything specifically written to the dad. Thank you, I will be sharing this issue with my husband!!

Chrystina Swain, Killeen, TX

I will always renew my TOSM subscription as I have never seen another company give so generously and their customer service AND staff go above and beyond to help.TOS truly gives back to the homeschool community. Thank you to The Suarez family and the TOS staff for your generosity. God Bless you all as you continue to help others.

Betty Daley, Fredericktown Ohio

Gena, I LOVE IT! I looked at quite a few of the videos on the app and they look great and sound good. It is very easy to use and I love the fact that I can read this wonderful magazine while on the go. The application looks very nice. I like the feeds. I also like that I can save favorite articles. Great job!!! Thanks so much for everything you do! I enjoy the magazine very much!

Jennifer Bogart Thorhild, AB, Canada

TOS is at the leading edge of the digital revolution and I’m thrilled that my copies of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine are now right on my Android tablet for easy reading alongside access to blog posts and reviews. Reading TOS just became much more convenient for me with this new app!

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).