What About When You Feel Like A Failure?

What’s a Mama to do when you feel like a failure? I have a funny feeling that this resonates with way too many of us. I’ve been struggling lately with it, and I have to say, it’s NOT fun! You probably know those feelings all too well also: the depression, the exhaustion, the complete overwhelm. So, what can you do?
Well, I have to be blunt and open here and say this is me right now. I’m trying desperately to keep my head above water in the homeschool, the house, and relationships. It’s really, really hard. I haven’t felt well, and my energy has tanked. Depression has sneaked into my heart, and I’m so tired I can barely force myself through each day. But I’m not going to give up!
In our current culture, it’s very popular to give up on anything that is hard or stressful or taxing. I’m in the trenches right now with a 10, 7, 4, and 2-year-old to homeschool and care for. I can’t give up on my vision, in spite of the fact that it’s hard right now. But I am taking a break! Its time right now for us to be done with school work (we start July 1st), and though we do things to keep them on track, I’m done with formal school until the new school year. I need it, my oldest son needs it, and while part of me wants to push on through and do a little more, I know in my heart we need to stop!
I’m also trying to add exercising back into my daily routine. Man, this one is hard too! I’m always so busy, but my health suffers even more when I neglect this area. So right now, I normally get up around 5:30 and read my Bible, then read or write. Instead, I’m going to read my Bible then exercise for at least 10 minutes using an app for my phone called FitOn. It’s a baby step, but I know my energy and health will improve because of it.
Food. Ahhh! This one can be incredibly difficult to tame. When I get overly stressed or exhausted, my tendency is to turn to more carbs for help. However, that is NOT the best answer for me. So, my goal is 2 low carb meals a day and 1 higher carb. Everyone’s body is different, and you have to find what works best for you so experiment a bit to find your sweet spot.
Don’t neglect your Bible reading and prayer life. I’m sure there’s a reason I’m struggling right now (either by design or just a part of a fallen earth), and while I don’t understand it, God does! That does give me courage and strength even when I don’t personally have it.
Tell yourself the truth. You aren’t a failure because you are God’s special child. Now that doesn’t mean you don’t fail. I sure do! So right now, I’m desperately trying to get the house decluttered (again), plan my garden and next year’s homeschooling, and just stay alive. Make small goals you can meet and give yourself honest encouragement when you do. Keep it simple and achievable, and remember, we aren’t superheroes here (just mamas).
Remember God is there for you, and He always will be. Take steps today to plod forward, and one day you’ll look back on this as another area He brought you through!
Jenny is a wife to her amazing husband of 17 years and stay-at-home momma to 4 kids. She blogs at https://www.inconvenientfamily.com where she is learning that blessings aren’t always convenient.