Virtual Family Event About Home Education in Canada


Would your family enjoy a meaningful break in their routine? Perhaps a family virtual retreat is just what you all need! The Canadian Schoolhouse focuses on home education in Canada but puts on this event to appeal to families homeschooling anywhere in the world.

This four-day live online event is where you’ll be renewed in God’s plan for your family and in your commitment to home education. New homeschooling parents are realizing the benefits of educating their children and the positive impact it has on their family life. Veteran homeschoolers regularly discover new advantages of being in control of their children's learning life and become eager to share their convictions.

The Virtual Family Retreat is an event that provides value to parents at different levels of experience in home education, even those just thinking about it. And while it is put on by The Canadian Schoolhouse (the Canadian side of The Old Schoolhouse®), there are speakers and attendees from locations all over the world because parents educating their children are similar in the most important ways, no matter where you are!

The live event for 2022 happens from November 15th to the 18th from 1 p.m. to around 3 p.m. ET and will be live streaming on Facebook and YouTube. For those that can’t make it for the live event, the retreat webpage will have the video recordings for parents to watch the day after each day’s live event. 


Are you reading this after the live event?

You can still go to the retreat page, watch the videos from each day, and even get a few of the
digital giveaways offered during the event. 

From a Trusted Name in the Homeschool Community

The Old Schoolhouse® is a company that has been serving the homeschooling community for over 20 years. Those that register for the event will receive various digital resources (many that are offered for free only to retreat registrants and attendees) that will provide guidance and support in their homeschooling lifestyle. 

There will be lessons and courses given away that are usually only available to members of Digital eBooks from the Homeschool Store will be offered at no cost and several “always free” family and homeschooling related resources will be highlighted through email and the event live stream. 

What’s a live event without giveaways? Well, that wouldn’t be an event from The Old Schoolhouse®. Along with gift cards, you could also find yourself with a free 1-year magazine subscription to The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine (Reg. $29 - $59 USD) or a free 1-year membership to the full curriculum site (Reg. $269.97 USD).


Always Accessible After the Event

While you’ll get the most benefits from attending the Virtual Family Retreat live, you won’t miss out completely if you can’t make it. The recordings of the live event will be available on the retreat page at any time after the event, and you can even see last years’ event (with some of the digital giveaways offered during that event) on the same page. 

When you sign up for the retreat, you’ll be given a link to view and download the schedule, but here’s a look at what you can expect from the Virtual Family Retreat 2022 - A Purposeful Life.


November 15, 2022 – Purposeful Loving

1:00 - Welcome: Love and Hope in Family - 1 John 4:7-8

1:10 - Devotional 

1:20 - Kids Spot: God Is Love - Create a Painting

1:40 - Just for Moms: Strengthening Your Marriage with Heather Vogler

2:00 - Pillar Talk: Purposeful Loving - Divine Interruptions with Deborah Wuehler

2:30 - Giveaways!

2:35 - Q&A/Closing


November 16, 2022 – Purposeful Learning

1:00 - Welcome: Knowledge for Life - Proverbs 1:5

1:10 - Devotional

1:20 - Kids Spot: Book Craft

1:40 - Just for Dads: Fathers Teaching Your Children with Steve Demme

2:00 - Pillar Talk: Purposeful Learning - The Knowledge of God Above All Knowledges 

with Ana Willis

2:30 - Giveaways!

2:35 - Q&A/Closing


November 17, 2022 – Purposeful Living 

1:00 - Welcome: Faith Filled Walk - Psalm 119:105

1:10 - Devotional

1:20 - Kids Spot: Window Decoration Craft

1:40 - Just for Moms & Dads: Uncover God's Purpose for Your Children with Steph Morrison

2:00 - Pillar Talk: Purposeful Living - One Faithful Step at a Time with Barbori Garnet

2:30 - Giveaways!

2:35 - Q&A/Closing


November 18, 2022 – Purposeful Leading 

1:00 - Welcome: Lead the Future - Hebrews 13:7

1:10 - Devotional

1:20 - Kids Spot: Prayer Tool for Leaders

1:40 - Just for Dads: How Dads Can Shape Homeschool Success with Peter Stock

2:00 - Pillar Talk: Purposeful Leading - Homeschool through High School with Patty Marler

2:30 - Giveaways!

2:35 - Q&A/Closing

Go to the retreat page and sign up to get some intriguing giveaways and all the updates about the retreat. We look forward to sharing the many benefits and joys of being a homeschooling family!

This article has been written by homeschooling staff writers of The Canadian Schoolhouse (TCS). Enjoy more of our content from TCS contributors and staff writers by visiting our themes page that has a new theme topic added every month!

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).