Homeschool Resources Support & Community

Hey Mama

Hey Mama,
There's a reason why we are told in Hebrews 10:25 not to forsake gathering together as Christians--we need that support and accountability. Having support and accountability is important as a homeschool mom, as well. There's nothing like having someone you can call, email, text, message, or sit down with face-to-face and share your struggles. Co-ops are another way to get support, especially for subjects you might not feel comfortable teaching. Don't try to homeschool alone! If you're too isolated for face-to-face groups, there are many support groups online, like our Facebook page.

Don't just take my word for it--check out these articles:
Homeschool Support Groups: Do You Need One?

To Co-op Or Not to Co-op--That is the Question

And remember . . .

You may be a walking mess today, but to your little ones, all they see is a Beautiful Mess. So, Daughter of the King . . . you just keep walking. His hand is on your head today.

~ Gena