Teaching Options for Teens

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As you plan a high school program for your teen, remember a variety of teaching options exist, all of them worthy of consideration. Because teens are unique and post high school goals vary, the core academic and elective courses needed for each year will differ for each teen. Once you determine the courses your teen needs during high school, you can choose the best teaching options, which include parent-taught, co-op classes, online courses, tutors, or dual-enrollment.
Homeschool parents willing to expend time to teach a high school course can do so with excellence. Many homeschool resources provide textbooks, teacher guides, video lectures, answer keys, tests, and suggested lesson plans. The real benefit of this option is that parents maintain control over the curriculum and concepts covered. You and your teen can enjoy the learning process together, and you have first-hand knowledge of your teen’s comprehension of each subject matter.
Co-Op Classes
If your homeschool community offers co-op classes, be sure you understand the responsibilities of the teacher, student, and parent to ensure there are no surprises. Some co-ops require parents to teach, while others may hire a teacher. Some co-op classes require monthly fees, while others may be free. Many co-op classes meet once a week, so teachers must assign homework. Parental supervision is required for a successful co-op class.
Online Courses
A variety of online courses are available in all subject matters. Online teachers typically provide course instructions, and answer questions. There are two types of online formats. Live formats are designed so all students are online at the same time each week; self-paced courses are designed so students can watch them on their own time schedule. Teens usually have one calendar year to complete a course.
If your teen could use extra help understanding certain concepts, then an informal, as needed approach may be helpful. Look for local tutors among your circle of friends. Consider a homeschool mom who has expertise in the particular subject matter. Formal weekly tutoring by a paid tutor is a good option for courses that your teen finds difficult, or for subjects outside your comfort zone to teach.
Homeschool teens who are up for the challenge of community college courses earn both high school and college credit at the same time. The process to enroll your teen in a dual enrollment course will vary upon the specific college, but generally, there are few qualifications. Just be sure to verify that the community college course credit will transfer to your teen’s four-year college of choice.
Homeschooling offers the freedom to mix and match these teaching options. Homeschool parents have the opportunity to customize not only your teen’s courses, but also the best teaching options, which include parent-taught, co-op classes, online courses, tutors, or dual-enrollment.
Welcome to My Happy Homeschool! http://www.myhappyhomeschool.blogspot.com/ My name is Susan Reed and my heart’s desire is to encourage the homeschool mom to live out God’s calling and stay the course.