Shark Free Resources

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Amazing Free Shark Resources to Start Your Homeschool Year with a Big, Fun Shark Day (or Week)

Everyone starts their homeschool year differently. Some of us ramp up slowly, starting with just a few subjects and adding more each week until we are in full swing. Others start it all on day one with a big jump. Some of us never quit, so we don’t really have a defined start.

Whether you school year-round, ramp up slowly, or start with a bang, there are advantages to including something fun and festive for the first day or week, whether it is the start of a defined school year, or you’re just starting back up after a week or two off.

Whether or not you want to start up with a shark theme, I encourage you to do something just a little fun or different on the first day back. Celebrate your freedom to learn at your own pace in your own way. We are blessed with amazing lives, where we can dedicate hours of every day in the pursuit of knowledge. Let’s celebrate learning.

This list of free shark resources is meant to get those fun juices flowing, with a little dose of learning on the side. But no one has a giant budget for fun after they have purchased all the curriculum for the year, so I am sharing only free resources here, so the fun will be easy on your pocketbook.

Videos are a great way to introduce a subject, give your kids an overview, and get them excited about learning more. Ask your kids to think of additional questions they have while watching videos and help guide them toward the answers as you study further. Make sure either you or your student write down the questions (depending on age). Asking questions is one of the most important parts of a healthy learning environment.

Free Shark Videos

Here is a shorter video about sharks from FreeSchool.

Here is a video from SciShow Kids about Super Sharks!

And in this video from SciShow Kids learn how sharks find their food with electricity.

Free Shark Crafts

Design a fun shark paper bag puppet for your own ocean-themed stories.

Looking for a craft that moves? Create a shark filled ocean using a two paper plates.

Make your own shark sun catcher with a coffee filter.

Free Shark Resource: Crafts Shark Sun Catcher

For Your Teens

More detailed lessons with lots of science vocabulary and quiz questions after the lesson.

Not into sharks? Maybe start with a fun mini-unit study on something your kids are excited about. Don’t forget that one of your most important jobs as a teacher is to be curious, yourself. Happy Learning!

Resources for the Entire Family

Dive into a world of educational adventures with our Shark & Sea BOGO Sale! From July 22 to
September 6, buy an annual membership for $269 and get a
second year FREE! Did you know that octopuses have three hearts? Just like them, we put our
heart into every course we offer. Unlimited access to hundreds of courses for all grade levels.
Don’t miss out! Visit to learn more!

BOGO 2 Yrs=269

Marla Szwast lives in Marietta, Georgia with her husband and six children. She has written articles for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine. She is the author of Stepping Through History: Starting With You!, and a semester long fifth grade science course. Both courses are published online at Schoolhouse Teachers membership website. She writes about home schooling, child development, neuroscience, and the history of education on her blog at:, you can also follow her on Facebook @jumpintogenius, or Twitter @MarlaSzwast, or Medium.

Shark Free Resources

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).