Hey Mama Monday: Are You Gearing Up for Christmas, Mama?

Hey Mama,
Kids love to give gifts and make something special for those they love. Sometimes as adults, we forget how special creating gifts can be (and budget friendly–grin!). Whether you feel like you’re “crafty” or not, you’ll find some great ideas here:
-The Old Schoolhouse® holiday supplements here and here
-Pinterest for The Old Schoolhouse® and Molly Green Magazine
And speaking of gifts . . .
Tomorrow is another day. And His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:23). Each hour is a gift even if, at times, you’d like to hand them back. Stop the train. Let me off. Let me rest. He is all about rest.
It may be the holidays, but don’t keep thinking you have to do it all. Don’t get caught in the trap of feeling like you must do and do, or you will let everyone down.
Don’t do. Instead, be. Just rest right now, and know that He is God. Recognize Him for who He is and what He has done in your life . . . and thank Him for what He has planned for your future because He works all things for good to those who love Him. Breathe in His goodness. Forget what happened earlier; move on. Live in the now.
And if all of the above is not helpful . . .
“If you can’t see His way past the tears, trust His heart.” –Charles H. Spurgeon
So, there it is. Whether you feel it or not, Christian Mama, His hand is on your head tonight. He will never leave.