Play Your Way Through the 20th Century
Wednesday, 16 August 2023
A few years ago, we decided to study the world history in the 20th century for an entire year. There is just so much that happened during those 100 years, and there are many people still alive with stories to tell of the 1900s. I want my kids to love history so I come up
- Published in - Fun Ways to Learn, Blog
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Hey Mama Monday: Math Is a Game to Master and It’s Fun, Mama!
Monday, 14 August 2023
Have you ever wondered “I don’t love math so how can I homeschool my child”? Believe me, you can do this! There are so many ways and means of teaching that even if you are not good at math, your child can be good at math! Math is my weak area. I can make it through teaching
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday
Make Your Homeschool into a Delight with Necessary Changes
Wednesday, 09 August 2023
As this new homeschool year takes flight if you’re a new homeschooler or a seasoned pro, remember that you get to make your homeschool what you want. The beauty of homeschooling is the ability to create the home education your child needs, without the stress or comparison traps that other education models display. As
- Published in Blog, Encouragement
Hey Mama Monday: Does Spelling Make You Smile, Sing, and Celebrate, Mama?
Monday, 07 August 2023
Does teaching spelling make you smile, sing, and celebrate? Or does it wear you out as you shed a few tears? And just why are wear and tear spelled the same but sound so different? Seems like a lot of “wear and tear” on this old homeschool mom! Sometimes spelling success comes through hard work over many years, and sometimes it comes
- Published in Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday