Second Generation Homeschooling
October 2, 2024
Gena Suarez
It Will Be Worth it All
Todd Wilson
How to Get Your Children Not to Homeschool Their Children
Dara Ekanger
Trailblazing Homeschool Parents
Natalie Mack
Hope and Anticipation

Hey, Mama!

It Will Be Worth it All
Hey Mama,
It’s so loud, messy, and monotonous. Diapers, worksheets, drills. Again and again, “Sam I am.” Phonics repetition never ends. Well, it does, but then we’re into chapter books.
There’s cereal dust ground up into the carpet again. They step all over it with their little feet. It’s fun. Sigh. No time for a shower. Who will watch them? Fingers under the bathroom door. The sounds of someone jumping off of a couch and crashing into a coffee table. No time for a shower now.
Fast forward a few years: If they are no longer trampling over your feet, they’re doing wheelies on your heart. Time goes faster, yet you get some hard lessons along the way. Better hope your relationship with your child is strong. Brace yourself for gut punches of betrayal and be patient with the sudden lack of logic on their part.
You taught them about the Lord, made Christ known, and warned against the world’s call. You gave them God’s Word, hid it in their hearts, and modeled it the best you could. They know the Gospel. It will not depart from them . . . someday. For now, tears flow. Heartsick Mama, do not give up. He is mighty to save.
Can we do sticky highchairs and gum stuck on the wall again? Grind that cereal into the carpet with your little feet! Showers are overrated anyway. Take me back to those times when I still had influence.
Fast forward a decade or two or three: Our faithful, gracious God has a way of fixing things.
Grace rules. Love wins. Christ is glorified. All that work, all the pain, all the prayers were worth it. Logic returned. Soft faces, eyes no longer haughty, a love for the Lord. New appreciation for what He has brought them through, renewed relationships, and profound gratefulness for a Mama who prayed them through those times. Tears again, but the joyful kind. The cloud lifts. You exhale.
Fast forward one last time: You’re not in charge anymore; they are. You prayed hard, planted seeds, and watered them with your tears. He did the rest. They did not depart from it! What a long, tedious road. Tribulation, tests. And now they lift you up. They care so deeply. You are not alone.
“Train them up,” He said. You didn’t question it; why doubt the Word of the King of kings? You just did it. And His Word did not return void. You homeschooled them and they now homeschool their own. It was important to you to model Christ day and night, to teach them the old paths, to give them the Word. You obeyed and now look at this legacy. This heritage!
They have fond memories of their home education and want to replicate it with their little ones. Homeschooling is now a family tradition. A Godly heritage.
These articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine reveal what that might look like:
Homeschool Foundations in Two Generations by Amy Juett
My Daughter is a Second Generation Homeschool Mom by Meredith Curtis
Second Generation Homeschoolers Teaching Civics by Rebekka Parry
For now, it’s okay to rest. As you stare helplessly at the mess, young Mama, rest in this time. It’ll flash past so fast your head will spin.
This life is a series of seasons, some more joyful than others. But there is hope. And there is life. And there is promise—all of which are found in God’s Word. Keep walking, knowing that your Heavenly Father is shaping order out of the chaos. Your beautiful mess is His canvas.
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Todd Wilson
How to Get Your Children Not to Homeschool Their Children
Hey, Mom,
In a nutshell, if you want your children to homeschool you gotta make it a good experience. Of course, every child gets to make their own decision on education and I can’t tell you that if you make it fun they’ll homeschool their children.
But I will say if you make it miserable, never take breaks, only accept 100%, and give them school to do in the evenings, on the weekends, and during vacation . . . they won’t homeschool their children. They’ll hate homeschooling . . . and may not feel too fond of you.
So maybe worry a little less about how much you cover and how well they do and enjoy the process of just being together as you plug away. If you can, sprinkle some fun and spontaneity along the way. If you don’t know how to do that, then get our brand new “Spin For Smiles Spinner.” It’s a way to introduce some fun into your homeschool day. You can read more about it (and order one) here.
Be Real,