When The Kids Are Stir Crazy
January 22, 2025
Christine Weller
Make the Most of the Season!
Todd Wilson
Homeschool Recess
Danika Cooley
Inside, Where the Learning Never Stops
Cindy Duell
Time to Pack Up and Go! The High-Impact Potential of a Homeschool Field Trip

Christine Weller
Make the Most of the Season!
Winter can bring a unique challenge to homeschooling families: stir-crazy kids! When cabin fever sets in, it’s time to embrace creativity and flexibility to make the most of the season. Here are a few ideas to keep kids active, engaged, and excited about learning when the weather keeps you indoors.
1. Break Up the Routine
Sometimes all it takes is a little change to reignite excitement. Swap the regular homeschool setup for a “campout” in the living room, complete with blankets, snacks, and a flashlight for reading. Or, take school on the go—set up a cozy spot at a local library, coffee shop, or hang out with homeschool friends!
2. Get Moving
Physical activity is vital for burning off extra energy. Create a mini obstacle course in the house or do a family-friendly workout together. If space allows, invest in items like foam balance beams or jump ropes for indoor fun. For those able to brave the cold, bundle up for a quick walk or sledding adventure.
3. Embrace Hands-On Learning
Winter is the perfect time for engaging projects. Bake cookies and use the opportunity to teach measurements and fractions. Craft snowflake art, experiment with homemade slime, or build a fort with pillows and blankets—it all counts as creative learning!
4. Explore Winter Themes
Incorporate the season into your lessons. Study animals that hibernate, conduct science experiments with snow or ice, or read winter-themed literature.
5. Prioritize Connection
Sometimes, kids just need a break to play, laugh, and connect with family. Take time for a family game night or a movie day to recharge.
Remember, winter offers unique opportunities for bonding and discovery. With a little ingenuity, you can turn stir-crazy moments into cherished memories.
About the author
Christine Weller has been homeschooling her two boys, 10 and 6, since birth in the lovely province of Ontario, Canada. She is also a mom blogger and children’s book author. She is currently working to support homeschoolers everywhere through various roles at The Old Schoolhouse®.
Join Kathy Hutto on YouTube: Christian content creator sharing devotions, FREE homeschool resources, and inspiring Bible lessons for kids & families at YouTube@kathyhutto.

Todd Wilson
Homeschool Recess
Hey Mom,
I’m a simpleton. Don’t confuse me with complex solutions to simple problems. Just tell me like it is and let me get it done. So when I see a schoolroom full of stir-crazy kids, I tackle it head on knowing I’m not creative enough nor do I have the energy to create an interactive learning experience. So what do I do? I take a break.
They used to call it recess back in the day. It was a thirty-minute break where bullies could pound on little kids and awkward kids sat in corners all alone. Public school “recess” is one of the reasons we homeschool. We didn’t want our kids to experience it.
But that’s nothing like a “homeschool recess.” Homeschool recess is called when the mom notices the troops are restless and need a break. It’s pretty simple really. The tired mom simply closes her book and says, “We’re done for today. Go play.”
That’s it. It’s so simple that anyone can do it. The only stipulation I would add is that the kids can’t watch TV or play video games. They have to do old-fashioned playing where they run around, build things, and pound on each other (it’s not bullying when it’s family).
It is the cure for restless children and can be called whenever the mom feels like it’s needed for them . . . or for her.
So have a great day today . . . and don’t be afraid to say, “Recess everyone.”
Be real,
P.S. Want another tool to combat the monotony of the school week? Get the Spin for Smiles Spinner. It was designed to put a little fun in your homeschool week and is as simple as . . . spinning the dial.