Teacher Helps: Podcasts, Books, and Blogs
February 28, 2024
Deborah Wuehler
Where to Turn
Stacy Farrell
The Most Valuable Resource and Lesson
Alexandria Letkeman
Helpful Homeschool Resources
Adam and Dianne Riveiro
Use Discernment with Homeschool Resources

Mercy Every Minute
Deborah Wuehler, TOS Senior Editor
Where to Turn
As a home educator, you need practical help and resources like any other teacher. Where do you turn when you need help? Sometimes a nice slice of cheesecake and a cup of tea offer some relief. But not for long—when that guilty conscience creeps in and says I am not doing enough and I am not teaching enough and I don’t know enough—after the cheesecake is gone, we still need help!
We cannot be lone rangers in this journey of home education. It is not healthy. Don’t despair, there is help for any area you lack or are needing help in. Because homeschooling has exploded, the amount of help and number of resources available have also exploded.
TOS has been your trusted homeschool partner for over twenty years, and we don’t take that trust lightly. We have either created the resources you need, or we have made the best connections to the best out there. As home educators ourselves, we have firsthand experience in this journey and we love to share it with you in as many ways as possible.
Years ago, when we saw families struggling to afford curriculum, we created SchoolhouseTeachers.com which has grown to over 400 courses that are all open to the whole family for one yearly cost. We made sure that it has helps for special needs children and parents, devotional tools, planning tools, and all the lesson plans made for every course and subject. From certificates of completion to a free recordkeeping system to help for high school, we’ve made it all with your needs in mind because we’ve walked this road, too.
What about those days when math brings tears or you are dealing with a particularly rebellious child? We have created a podcast to match the topics in The Homeschool Minute. If you haven’t listened in, we cover those math and rebel topics along with many tips and practical advice for living this home education life. Find your desired topic here and listen while you prep dinner: Podcasts Archive – The Old Schoolhouse®.
We have recommended books, products, services, and curriculum for twenty years. Find our past, honest reviews from homeschool parents like you here: Product Reviews – The Old Schoolhouse®.
Just let us know your questions or struggles, and we can point you in the right direction. We love to support the homeschool family in every way. It’s not only our job, it’s our calling–just like yours when you decided to keep your children Home. Where They Belong.
Use the search engine here to find decades of article topics or to answer any home education question at www.TOSMagazine.com, and download the free magazine app here: www.HomeschoolApp.com.
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Stacy Farrell
The Most Valuable Resource and Lesson
If you’ve ever felt insecure about your ability to provide your children with an excellent education, you’re not alone. Most of us (if not all of us) have spent time doubting and second-guessing ourselves.
It’s so easy to overlook the fact that homeschooling is really just an extension of the parenting you’re already doing.
Think of all the lessons you’ve already taught your children:
- brushing their teeth, washing their hands, and maintaining personal cleanliness
- dressing and undressing themselves
- basic manners like saying “please” and “thank you” . . .
. . . just to name a few.
And, although you may have done a little research or questioned family members to discover the best way to teach those skills, you didn’t have to hire a professional to teach your children.
Start with Prayer
There are myriad books, blogs, and helpful podcasts on how to teach, but the most valuable resource you can access is prayer. Before you dig into teaching resources, pray and ask the Lord to guide you.
(I’ve often had to remind myself that He loves my children even more than I do—and He is quite willing and able to provide the resources and mentors I need, precisely when I need them.)
Resources for an Essential Skill
In this age of information overload, there’s no shortage of resources that can show you how to teach any and every subject. That said, I’d like to share a few that will help you teach critical thinking from a Biblical worldview:
- Bible Verse Mapping (If you’re unsure how to teach verse-by-verse Bible study, you can learn right alongside them!)
- A free Printable Bible Verse Mapping Template
- Romans Bible Study: A Study Guide to Uncover Essential Insights
Although you will teach (and learn) many subjects in your homeschool, nothing is as significant, empowering, and essential as teaching your children to study God’s Word for themselves.
His love,
Maximize Your Time in God’s Word with a Structured Plan
Quiet time with the Lord is critical, but life is busy. Use this free 9-step system to verse map your way through Romans 12—in just 20 minutes a day!
About the author
Surprised by Jesus, Stacy went from an unmarried, childless, thirty-something career woman to a Christ-following wife of more than twenty-eight years with two sons she homeschooled K-12. She battled fear and overwhelm, but survived and thrived. Author of more than fifteen books—including the award-winning Philosophy Adventure and newly released Food Prep Guide—she loves to equip and encourage homeschool families. Visit her at HomeschoolAdventure.com and at FoodPrepGuide.com.

Alexandria Letkeman
Helpful Homeschool Resources
Every homeschool parent needs a little encouragement now and then. Having a friend come alongside you with helpful tips, hard-earned experience, and a dose of encouragement can make the difference between homeschool drudgery and homeschool joy. Here are some of our favorite resources to make your job easier and more fun.
- The HomeScholar: Start your homeschool day with The HomeScholar, a gold mine of information and support. Founded by Lee Binz and now owned by her protégé, Alex Letkeman, The HomeScholar offers practical advice on high school education at home, helping you navigate the ins and outs of transcripts, college preparation, and more.
- Podcasts for Parents: Turn your daily chores into a learning experience by tuning in to homeschooling podcasts. The Homeschool Solutions Show by Pam Barnhill and The Simple Homeschool podcast by Sarah Mackenzie offer insights, interviews, and encouragement. They’re like friendly companions during your daily routine, helping you stay inspired and informed.
- Books for the Homeschool Soul: Dive into the world of homeschooling literature with titles like The HomeScholar Guide to College Admission and Scholarships by Lee Binz. Many parents question whether it’s even possible to find a college that is satisfying to both parent and child and that will offer scholarships for students who were homeschooled. Lee Binz shares how she helped her students achieve admission to college and earn full-tuition scholarships to their first-choice universities.
- Blogs for Daily Inspiration: Follow blogs that share real-life homeschooling experiences and tips. The HomeScholar blog has real-life tips and tricks by real-life homeschool moms and graduates for those aiming to homeschool through high school. Simple Homeschool offers a dose of encouragement and a sense of community in a simple, relaxed way.
Remember, homeschooling is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the flexibility and joy it brings to your family’s life. Find your unique rhythm, explore resources that resonate with your teaching style, and savor the moments of discovery with your children.
In the grand tapestry of homeschooling, you’re not alone. Join the community, tap into the wisdom of experienced homeschoolers, and let the adventure begin!
About the author
Alexandria Letkeman began homeschooling with her family in middle school and has recently graduated with honors in 2020. Together with her husband, she has developed a passion for financial literacy, classical writing, and the freedom that homeschooling provides. In pursuit of those passions, she and her husband aim to continue the legacy of The HomeScholar and continue helping homeschool parents homeschool with confidence. One day, Alex plans to start a homesteading farm in Texas featuring mini cows.

Pillar of Future

Adam and Dianne Riveiro
Use Discernment with Homeschool Resources
Discernment is the key word when it comes to finding supplemental homeschool materials online. Why? Can I be real with you for a moment (to borrow a tagline from Todd Wilson . . . )?
There’re a lot of garbage resources on the internet!
How do I know this? I’ve produced plenty of them! I definitely think an explanation is needed . . .
For several years, I had a part-time job as a ghostwriter for a company that provided blog posts for different companies and organizations. While I took this job seriously and thoroughly researched every article, I wouldn’t in any way be considered an expert on topics like fine jewelry, protein powder, or pediatric dentistry.
In short, the internet is overwhelmed with digital content, yet it’s largely barren in quality. While this may sound bleak, I don’t mean it to be that way. There are some excellent resources available online . . . if you know where to look. So, instead of giving you a bunch of links to podcasts, books, and blogs (which my fellow authors have no doubt already skillfully covered), let me give you Adam’s Can’t-Miss, No-Frills Framework for Teacher Helps™.
Think Biblically! One of the many reasons our family is passionate about homeschooling is that we desire to shield our children from as many worldly influences as possible. Make sure you guard your heart from being influenced by these very same voices when looking for resources.
Think resourcefully! While I enjoy the convenience of the Kindle from time to time (as well as the access it gives to out-of-print books), we’re big on buying physical copies of books. We use thriftbooks.com and abebooks.com to purchase books for pennies on the dollar.
Think critically! Find a very limited number of resources you don’t agree with, and be willing to read or listen to their arguments (it’s why I subscribe to the Boston Globe). While this may sound contradictory to my first point, it isn’t. The goal is not to be influenced by these resources, but rather to build your critical thinking skills and to debunk worldly thinking through your study of Scripture. I’ve heard it said that a faith that cannot be tested cannot be trusted. It’s so true!
And of course, you can trust anything from www.readyscribepublications.com!
About the author
Pastor Adam and Dianne Riveiro live in Easton, Massachusetts, where Adam leads Liberty Baptist Church. They’re the authors of several books, including Hope from Our Heart to Yours: A 30-Day Devotional Journey for Special Needs Families, available from their family’s publishing label at www.readyscribepublications.com. They have four children: Bethany, Kaylee, AJ, and Peyton. They’re passionate about helping their fellow special needs families find joy and contentment in Christ.
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Math is perhaps the most useful, beautiful, logical of all disciplines, and Dr. Price’s vision is to change the experience of millions of children who currently find math boring or frustrating. How to Teach Elementary Math tutorials equip homeschool parents with methods and strategies for teaching math concepts to their children.

Need a homeschool teacher workday? Kody Hanner from The Homestead Education joins Christine in Episode 57 of The Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show— “Teacher Helps: Podcasts, Books, and Blogs.” Learn more about the importance of easy-to-find resources and learn why and how two homeschooling moms have changed their view of education.
Specialist, Dianne Craft, shares ways to help the child who has gotten “stuck” in the art of learning how to read. Here are some easy fixes for easy phonics. (Find this and other articles at HomeschoolApp.com.)
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