May 2010 Schoolhouse Expo- Deb Wuehler


Do you have enough grace for the frustrations that abound in your home daily? Who is this God we say we worship? Come and find out the answers and get advice from Deborah Wuehler in this 3-in-1 session for $4.95!


Deborah Wuehler invites you to experience the mercy of God, which is new every minute. As a busy homeschool mom, Deborah knows that we all need that mercy minute by minute!

Three full sessions of encouragement straight from God’s Word and Deborah’s heart, right to your home! Deborah Wuehler is senior editor of TOS Magazine and shared these three inspiring sessions during the May 2010 Schoolhouse Expo. Listen in as Deborah shares her need for grace and peace in her heart and home, and how God supplies those needs. Deborah shares how to desire the Word of God when desire has ceased, and you can also follow Deborah as she takes you by the hand and shows you “Who Your God Says He Is.”

Day One: Do you have enough grace for the frustrations that abound in your home daily? Do you lack peace? Does peace in your heart and home seem to be a distant craving? Until our craving for God Himself becomes greater than our hunger for peace, we will remain where we are. Deborah explains exactly where you can find that grace and peace for your heart and home.

Day Two: What does a homeschool mom crave? What we crave, desire, or “hunger and thirst” for is what drives us and is what we are driven to. Are you driven to staying on track with your daily agenda? Do you “have to have” complete organization? What about those math and grammar obstacles—do they lead to complete frustration in you?  Maybe you are driven to perfection only to be disappointed on a regular basis.  If these things are what we hunger for, then these are what we are driven to become or make happen. What are you hungry and thirsty for? Are you dry and empty? Why do we need and, more importantly, how do we obtain a hunger and thirst for what is important? How do we combat spiritual starvation? Find out as Deborah shares how the water and the food of the Word give us the spiritual nutrition needed for life.

Day Three: Deborah shares her family’s theme verse in Exodus as we get a peek at, “Who is this God we say we worship? He tells us who He is Himself!” When we seek God for Who He is, He is faithful to reveal Himself to us, and fill us where we lack. Deborah goes over eight attributes of Who God says He is in scripture. A powerful presentation of this God we worship.

Deborah Wuehler is the senior editor for The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, wife to Richard, and mom to eight gifts from heaven. She loves digging for buried treasure in the Word, reading, writing, homeschooling, and dark chocolate!



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