September / October 2014 Digital Issue


You have fresh ideas, new curriculum, and inspiration to help you start your new school year. Discover ways to keep that new year enthusiasm with the September/October issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.



New school year, new start. Just like a new calendar year can help you feel full of optimism and strong resolutions, so can the start of a new school year. You have fresh ideas, new curriculum, and inspiration to help you start your year. Read the new September/October issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine to help you find ways to keep that new year enthusiasm. Deborah Wuehler provides suggestions for staying strong when the newness of the year wears off; Dr. Mary Hood encourages you to be flexible in your homeschooling and focus on key values, skills, knowledge and talents; and Heidi St. John reminds you that you can restore balance by not accepting every opportunity, just as a batter doesn’t have to swing at every ball pitched. Plus gain tips for teaching unit studies, music, writing, art, preschoolers, and more in this issue.


Read the magazine FREE online at or on the go with the free mobile app available at


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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).