Episode 9: Attending Homeschool Conventions: Is It Necessary?

Are you on the fence about attending a homeschool convention? Did you know that you will get to choose workshops on topics important to you? Plus, curriculum authors will be there to answer your questions in the vendor hall. College representatives attend, too, and actively recruit homeschoolers. They will fill you in on early credit or dual enrollment opportunities for your high schooler. You may want to bring Dad and the whole family. Or turn the convention experience into a girls’ weekend and road trip with your friends. You will come away with so much quality information and support that you might just want to make attending homeschool conventions an annual event! Heather Vogler interviews Gena Suarez in Episode 9 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show: “Attending Homeschool Conventions: Is It Necessary?”
Connect with God’s Word
“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV)
Connect at a Convention
Hear Deborah Wuehler, Senior Editor of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, or Stephanie Morrison of The Canadian Schoolhouse at these upcoming conventions:
- April 27–29, 2023: Deborah Wuehler is speaking at several sessions at MassHOPE in Massachusetts.
- May 4–7, 2023: Deborah Wuheler will appear in two pre-recorded sessions for the European Homeschool Conference.
- May 12–13, 2023: Deborah Wuehler is speaking at several sessions at the CHAP Convention in Pennsylvania.
- May 25–27, 2023: Stephanie Morrison is speaking at two sessions during the AHEA Convention 2023 in Alberta.
- October 13–14, 2023: Heather Vogler will be at The Old Schoolhouse® booth at the Homesteaders of America Conference in Virginia.

Connect with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine
For more on attending homeschool conventions, click on the links to these articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:
- Deborah Wuehler shares ideas for avenues of support: “When You Feel Alone (and You Will).”
- Where else can you share the excitement and energy with hundreds of people who share the same conviction to home educate their children? Read “ Put New Wind in Your Sail! Attend a State or Local Homeschool Convention.”
- Here is a vendor’s interesting perspective on attending conventions: “Confessions of a Convention Veteran.”
- Are you a member of your state homeschool organization? Their mission is to help you succeed and GROW, so The Old Schoolhouse® urges you to SUPPORT them! Don’t miss your state’s Christian homeschool convention. Is your state in this special feature from the Spring 2023 issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine?
Connect with The Homeschool Minute
Spend a minute with your friends from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine!
The Homeschool Minute is a weekly eNewsletter for anyone homeschooling or considering starting. It’s brief yet packed with a powerful dose of encouragement to keep you going strong in your commitment to your family and to the Lord. Subscribe to the free homeschool newsletter. Find even more on homeschool conventions in The Homeschool Minute, arriving by email on 3/29/23.

Connect with the TOS App
Do you have the new and enhanced TOS App? It is the hub for homeschooling. You can access all The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine articles—and more—wherever you go, whenever you need them. Search for homeschooling topics important to you or for Gena’s regular Hey, Mama! column. You will find curriculum choices, resources, homeschool advice, help, and encouragement. The app content is updated weekly. The TOS App is now better than ever, and it is free. You can find the TOS App on Google Play or download from the App Store today!
Connect with SchoolhouseTeachers.com
Did you know that SchoolhouseTeachers.com is the curriculum site of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine? Over 400 courses are currently available on SchoolhouseTeachers.com as well as resources and support, like this helpful info taken from the Start Here tab:
Where do I find state and local resources? Almost every state has annual homeschool conventions where vendors, speakers, and parents get together to swap books, ideas, and encouragement. Search “homeschool convention [your state]” online.
Many states also have state-level homeschool organizations that can offer guidance on state laws, direct you to local support groups (sometimes called co-ops), and advocate on behalf of homeschoolers in your state legislature.
Even if your state doesn’t have an overall homeschool organization, small independent groups can be found within driving distance of just about every family in the country.
Connect with HSLDA and NHERI
Gena mentioned two other fine homeschool organizations in today’s podcast: Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) and National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI). Both websites include valuable information for homeschooling parents.
Connect with SchoolhouseConnect.com
Looking for a convention to attend? Here’s a map that allows you to click on a state or province to find a support group or convention in your area. Then check to see if they are holding a convention—and make plans to attend!
Connect with the Homeschool Store
Grab “The Value of Homeschool Conventions” from the Homeschool Store. In the pages of this free WeE-book™, you’ll find answers to your questions and important insights, guiding your path to that rewarding homeschool convention experience.
Connect with Upcoming Episodes
New episodes of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show are released every Monday. Check back right here for show notes and links at HomeschoolShow.com. Here’s what you can look forward to next:
- 4/3/23: Episode 10—“What to Do When Mom Is Exhausted” hosted by Deborah Wuehler of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine
- 4/10/23: Episode 11—“The Socialization Myth Debunked” hosted by Stephanie Morrison of The Canadian Schoolhouse
- 4/17/23: Episode 12—“High School Graduates: What Do They Look Like?” hosted by Christine Weller of SchoolhouseTeachers.com and The Canadian Schoolhouse
Questions or comments on the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show podcast? We would love to hear from you at HomeschoolShow@TheOldSchoolhouse.com.