Who Wants to Get Organized, Mama?

Who wants to get organized? I think the answer is EVERYONE! Just not me–today. How do I get out of this slump? I’ve lost the enthusiasm I had at the beginning of the year. Looking back, the times I’ve lost my joy are the times that I’ve been worn out physically or the house is talking to me or I lack spiritual nutrition.
First the nagging: get it out of your brain and write it down. Delegate. Take an organization day every two weeks, or take an hour a day. Are your children unruly? A little bit of consistent, intentional training (not yelling or nagging) goes a long way towards peace.
What really gets me down is when I’ve lost my perspective. I regain it in three things: path, presence, and pleasures.
“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalms 16:11)
- You will show me the path of life: Nothing and no one is able to show me the path for my life or for the lives of those around me except God. I can research, talk to friends, and purchase the right curriculum, but it is God alone who is able to show us His path and how to walk it out. If I am weary, I may have begun to walk my own path.
- In Your presence is fullness of joy: Nothing else and no one else can bring me joy. I will only find it in One thing: the presence of the Lord. I can look for joy in material wealth or physical healing or close relationships. I may hope for joy in dreams fulfilled or in the lack of chaos. Joy is found in His presence. It’s not about the things in this life that have to come to me in order to bring joy. It’s not about the things in this life that have to leave me in order to have joy. It’s all about me in the presence of God and the presence of God in me!
- At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore: I tend to seek pleasure away from God. I am prone to wander and look to earthly things or people. I think I will find pleasure in time to myself and by myself. Pleasure is found at the right hand of God. A wandering heart will only find pain and loneliness and confusion. Wander right back to Him. We can sit in the heavenly places with Christ even if we are on this dirty earth as we fix our hearts, souls, and minds on Him; He is our pleasure.
When we dwell in the presence of God, we hear Him whisper His direction for life; we find our dreams and pleasures fulfilled, and we experience the fullness of joy! There’s no place I would rather be, and I will bring my children there with me as I keep them Home Where They Belong.
Get Organized for Homeschooling
How Notebooks Kept my Homeschooling Organized
Deborah Wuehler is the Senior Editor and Director of Production here at The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine. She would say she is a very ordinary homeschool mom–with one exception: she has an extraordinary God Who provides all she needs for life and homeschooling. She has eight children aged 11 to 29. Deborah’s mission is this: to point other homeschoolers to the Lord in all they do, think, and feel—and to confirm that they, too, can find everything they need for life, godliness, and homeschooling in their knowledge of Him (2 Peter 1:3-4).