Planning for Life After Graduation, Mama

Hey Mama,
Are you stressing over college prep for your high schoolers? Do you worry that your kids won’t have what it takes to get into a good college or get a good job ?
Remember . . .
One thing matters most of all: Raising your children up to love and obey the Lord. That they would make Him their own Savior with conviction and awe. That when they leave your home, they begin to grow more than ever in their relationship with Him, and that as such, the bond you have with them becomes stronger than ever.
Pray for your children every day. Pray for their future spouses and your grandchildren-to-be. God is faithful! What you are planting now will NOT go for naught. You plant. He waters. He grows. He harvests. May HE be glorified because of the family He has given you.
Note that it’s all Him. It’s all because of Him.
~ gena