How Do You Navigate Your Homeschool Convention, Mama?

/ / Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday

Hey Mama,

Homeschool conventions can be overwhelming, but there’s nothing quite like being able to touch and examine curriculum as you decide what will work for your kids. The best parts of a convention, though, are meeting new friends, attending workshops, and the vibe of thousands of homeschool families all in one place.

Not sure about attending or wondering how to get started once you get there? Check out these articles from the magazine.

An Insider’s Guide to Conventions” – Maggie S. Hogan

Ten Rules for Homeschool Convention Etiquette” – Linda Brodsky 

Convention Attendance: Preparation for the Next School Year” – Wendy Hilton

And remember if you’re feeling discouraged and can’t wait for that convention pick-me-up …

  1. You made it through another day.
  2. Your kids are walking the same journey with you.
  3. It’s a madhouse sometimes, but everyone knows they are loved.
  4. You are the team God put together. Everyone fills a much-needed role.
  5. The BIGGER PICTURE is the long-lasting one. You are a Mama who endures. You are a family running a good race.
  6. You’re not hung up on the little fails and bumps. Together, they are woven into that big tapestry, i.e., the big picture.
  7. It all means something. It’s not random. There is purpose and joy.

And His hand is on your head today.

~ gena

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).