History for Every Grade Level, Mama

/ / Blog, Hey Mama, Hey Mama Monday

Hey Mama,

One of the best ways to make learning history exciting is to experience it. If you take a lot of trips like we do, you can visit historic places. Some people like to dress up and act out history. Others enjoy reading fiction and non-fiction books about the past. Whatever you do, ditch the textbooks—just for a while—and you’ll find history can really come alive.

Here are some ideas for making history fun from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.

History with Friends

History: How to Love It While You Learn It

6 Keys to Bringing American History to Life

And remember, Mama . . .

Count the days. Right? You have Monday through the weekend with your kids, and then your week is over. Finito. Done. This particular week will be forever gone. Any opportunities we choose not to seize, any moments we decide not to give that hug and kiss, any choices we make to scowl instead of smile, quit instead of pursue, will be set in stone for this week’s memories.

And . . . His mercies will be new each morning (and the following week). All is not lost.

But, for the rest of this week, Mama, start fresh; start new. Let’s decide right here and now. It’s going to be a good week so far as my own strength allows it. By His grace, we can do this. And He who is in me will be the One I lean on all week long. His grace is there, and I can emulate that.

May the next seven days be beautiful for you, Mama. Daughter of the king, walk as a gracious and royal heavenly princess. Because if you are in Christ, that is EXACTLY who you are. And may your children watch . . . and learn.

They are doing just that, regardless how/where we land on this. Their eyes are on us. Their hearts, easily influenced right now.

One day they will be in their 40’s, and it will be their turn to walk this walk with their own children and spouses. And they will always remember Mama . . . she loved them dearly. She never gave up on them. Her Savior was her strength; that is why. Eyes up. His hand is on your head tonight.


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