Do You Need a Homeschool Support Group, Mama?

Hey Mama,
Do you need a homeschool support group? Yes, you do! Encouraging one another is just as important for homeschoolers as it is for believers in Christ (Hebrews 10:25). There is something special about traveling a road with others who are headed in the same direction. If you don’t have a homeschool support group, find friends you can meet with locally or share with through social media or email. And at TOS, we’re always glad to hear from you and encourage you.
If you’re weary today, allow me to stop in, hang out a bit, and maybe bring a little perspective.
In Psalm 28, we are reminded that the LORD is our strength. Our heart can trust in Him because He is our hope and our shield; we are helped personally BY HIM.
He sees all. He hears all. He is very aware and will not sit idly by. He is a GOD OF ACTION. Do not be weary. Rise up; face this beautiful day with your children using the strength not of your own but of the God of the universe. He will carry you.
Daughter of the King, His hand is on your head today. Take hold of that! The JOY OF THE LORD is my strength! Rejoice, Mama, and find your gladness in Him!
And if you find yourself slipping down again, lather, rinse, repeat. Say it out loud! THE JOY OF THE LORD IS MINE! IT’S MY VERY STRENGTH! May He smile on you today. Look up.
~ gena