Head Off Holiday Stress

The holidays can be stressful for homeschoolers. Not only do we have to keep the homeschool fires burning, but all of the extra domestic chores and endeavors seem to pile on this time of year.
Some of us have been known to attempt to the call the whole thing off.
I myself am a big proponent of keeping the schoolwork light during the holidays. However, I do realize at some point we have to just grit our teeth and dive in.
This post is not going to help you manage your time, manage family gatherings… all while continuing to teach on possessive pronouns and the Great Barrier Reef.
I’m sorry about that. I wish I could tell you how to make it through the holidays while homeschooling relatively in one piece. Undoubtedly, there is always something that suffers.
My mission today is to tell you that the thing that suffers need not be you. The advice I am about to give you might seem trite and insignificant considering you are educating the next generation… but hear me out.
You are not dispensable. You need to treat yourself better than you have been. It’s time you enter a holiday season with a little rest and a workable plan.
Remember that the holiday memories your children are going to carry with them into adulthood are going to be about the simple things you did with them. Keep your plans simple and doable.
- Remember to recharge. For me, this means alone time. For some of you, it might mean getting together with girlfriends for a coffee.
- Take time once a day to consult your calendar and update your to-do list. Nothing like having a doctor’s or dentist’s appointment spring up on you.
- Plan walks or some time outside into your day. You need that Vitamin D and fresh air.
- Treat yourself to a special indulgence once a week. This might mean soaking in a tub with peppermint salts. Or painting your fingernails a bright candy cane red. Or maybe burning that pumpkin candle you have been saving for something special. Now is special enough.
- Fill your library bag and Netflix watch list with classic books, movies, and music to enjoy with the family. Your life is going to be filled with a lot of outside noises. You might as well fill it with some beautiful noise.
- Delegate some of those holiday chores. Assign a couple of kids the cooking of a few side dishes for that potluck. Have the whole gang make the pumpkin pie. Have some kiddos address the Christmas cards and thank you notes.
- Did somebody say Unit Study? Best way to homeschool during the holidays EVER.
- You don’t have to say “yes” to every field trip and playdate that comes along. Sleep in a few mornings. Stay up late and watch old movies.
- Let yourself laugh. There is a lot to be worried about nowadays. We need to giggle more.
- Keep your choices simple this year. Plan only one or two cheery and well-put together outfits to wear to all of the holiday shin-digs. Make sure you feel confident and comfortable. Plan on taking the same one or two dishes to all of the holiday parties and dinners. Start stocking up on the ingredients for those recipes. That way you are always assured you have what you need in the pantry.
Obviously, above all, make sure you are getting alone with God daily. That time will charge you up like nothing else. On a more practical note…If you are curious to know what I might be taking to the holiday potlucks this year, I am going to direct your attention to my blog. You can find recipes for the dishes listed below. Just a warning. These recipes aren’t particularly light. But they are good and mostly easy. Enjoy the season, my friends!
Chili- Cheesy Hominy Casserole (a huge favorite on my blog)
Rebekah Teague is the homeschooling mama to one busy and beautiful boy. She is married to The Muffin who is a pastor and a really great guy. In her spare time she can be found with a book and a cup of tea. She blogs at There Will Be A $5 Charge For Whining