  I really need a fresh start, which is why planning for the new school year brings great refreshment, and it comes right when I feel like I need to just scrap everything and start over! Anyone else feel that way? Some of you plan years in advance what you will be studying and the

Life in the Margins

new year
  Life can feel hectic, especially this time of the year. With the Christmas season winding to a close and New Year’s around the corner, it’s the time of year we think about change. What are we going to add to our lives to make it better? A new diet, a new exercise program? Better

Less Academics, More Ministry

homeschool ministry
  Now that my nine children are grown, I often hear remarks from friends complimenting my adult children’s servant-heartedness.  I love that, and as I reflect back to the many years I homeschooled my children, I realize that a large part of why they are that way today is probably due to the many community

The Importance of Family Traditions

family traditions
  Even though my childhood was not idyllic, there are many parts for which I am extremely grateful. One is the way my mother used traditions to make events special for her children. Each Christmas, she would give each of us a pair of pajamas as a gift. Many years, she spent countless hours sewing

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).