Why My Child Isn’t Going to College

  We just graduated our second child from our homeschool. The first question everyone asks upon discovering this is—you guessed it—“Where is he going to college?” The question is uncomfortable, and I wish people would broaden their view of post-high school life. When I say that he isn’t going to college, the barely-concealed disappointment says

Record the Memories

  We are up and running. It’s a brand-new year. So much to be excited about. It’s hard to believe that soon this school year will just be a memory. My Missing Photos I have been homeschooling since 1991, and as I look back at our photo albums—yes, I used to get photos printed, and

Make Mommy Time a Priority

mommy time
  Over the past few months, I have been reading books about various subjects, but each has had the main theme of discipline, both spiritually and naturally. As a professional housewife and mother, I have made it my mission each day to take care of my family. Every moment is filled with so much care,
  While her poem, “Slavery,” would serve as an alarm clock to the national conscience of a people who felt that slavery had been justified in the name of commerce, stability and even necessity, it would only prove to be one of many. Like most of the abolitionists in 1792, Hannah was naively giddy about

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).