Hey Mama Monday: Mama, Did You Forget?

hey mama
  Did you forget? Your great God and Savior is sovereign. Things can appear one way, and by all human logic and understanding you may be seeing or hearing an insurmountable “no,” or believing something to be a “done deal.” But we cannot forget the “God factor.” It changes everything. It upsets the apple cart.

From Fear to Trust

new moms
  As a young mom, I was fearful a lot of the time. This was new territory for me. When I was a teenager, I was often fearful of what other people thought of me but not afraid of the daily pace of life. Now this helpless little baby depended on me for everything, and
  Exploring dietary options to serve our children for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is always a challenge. We have to prepare meals that are feasible for our busy schedules but also nutritious and good for their growth and health. How do we make this fun for the kids (and also fun for us)? The answer

Morning by Morning

  Some of you are killing this whole homeschool/organization life. You arrive at every field trip/co-op/trip to the grocery store with your cute thirty-one totes and rolly carts color-coordinated with the names and ages of your children. You manage your day with military precision. Every hour is accounted for, and seldom does a day go

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).