learning disabilities
  Teaching children with learning disabilities can bring its own difficulties that you otherwise might not face. Even though some days are exhausting and seem hopeless, here are three things to make your experience more successful.   God. God called you to homeschool, and He knew you would be your child’s parent. He also knew

World Penguin Day

  April 25 is World Penguin Day! This can be a wonderful topic for a unit study for a day, or even for a week. Here are some ideas for World Penguin Day, if you want to make it special. To make your penguin day (or week) successful, I recommend you prepare in advance of

National Jelly Bean Day

jelly bean
  National Jelly Bean Day is always celebrated on April 22nd. Jelly beans have been around since at least the Civil War! In the 1860’s, candy-makers advertised that family members should send gifts of jelly beans to their soldiers. And what a great gift to send – unlike chocolate, jelly beans do not melt in

Eight Ways to Help Your Library

  Many librarians love homeschoolers. After all, we are often their best patrons. We know what we want and how to find it. Our children are (generally) well-behaved. But in addition to being good patrons of the library, there are other ways that we as homeschoolers can help our libraries. We can: Volunteer on a

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).