Hey Mama Monday: Are You Patient, Mama?

hey mama
  Hey, Mama! You gotta know this: they will utterly fail sometimes. Your children are a work in progress, so resist the temptation to think they have arrived. You are setting yourself up for disappointment or even anger if you do. Think about your own walk with the Lord. He is the perfect Parent. There

The Beauty of Morning Time

morning time
  I rushed about the kitchen glancing at the clock as I tossed cereal into bowls and apple juice into cups. Late to school. Again. Ugh. When I signed up for this homeschool thing, I thought I’d enjoy more time. More time to clean, cook, do laundry, and read. As these thoughts raced through my

Life’s Buffet

  Over the course of many years, I have had occasional dreams with a recurring theme…the buffet. Now don’t get me wrong, I like a good meal, and I love variety when it comes to food. I’ve been a patron of a buffet more than once, though I don’t tend to frequent them because it

Soup Season

soup season
  Cool, crisp air, smells of apples and pumpkin spice, festivals everywhere can mean only one thing…. It’s Soup Season. When autumn rolls around and the temperatures drop, we pull out the blankets, warm beverages, and a family favorite SOUP! I enjoy finding new recipes, making my own creations, and even making timeless family classics.

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).