homeschooling mistakes
  When we first started homeschooling, the LAST thing I wanted to hear was that I was doing it all wrong. But let’s be honest. We all have had designated seats on the struggle bus. Homeschooling can be messy. And, oh so challenging. I first started writing this little post in my head, months and

Fruits of the Spirit for the Homeschool Mom

fruits of the spirit
  According to Galatians Chapter 5, the fruit of the Spirit includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. How do these fruits relate to home education? A better question to ask might be, what if I am NOT seeing these fruits in our homeschool? What is missing, and what do I
great school year
  It’s September, and most of us have already started our brand new homeschool year. Is it too late to gear up for a great year? It doesn’t matter if you’ve already started the school year. This activity will take a couple of hours and bear lasting results all year long. Gather your children together
hey mama
  Hey Mama, You got through Monday. You did it. And I know there were moments you suffered from “mad cow mama” syndrome, but what’s done is done. Good thing your Father is patient and your kids so forgiving. They love you. I think it’s good they see the crud sometimes. They are experiencing real

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).