This Week at SchoolhouseTeachers ~ Mock Trial and Geography

If you’ve been following along with Nancy Blue and her Beginning Violin class, Strings of Praise, you are probably seeing a huge improvement in your violin playing from when you started! If you’d like to take Nancy’s violin lessons but haven’t started yet, don’t worry! All of her lessons remain on the site. You can simply go back to Lesson 1 and start when you are ready. We’re wrapping up August’s lessons with “I Will Worship God Through Music” and one more word pattern before we get ready to move into an even more musical September.
As we get ready for the seasons to change and a new school year, for many, to begin again, Everyday Copywork practices handwriting and internalizing God’s Word with verses from Ecclesiastes 3.
Bonnie Rose Hudson
Editorial Assistant
The Old Schoolhouse’s®
The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC