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Adam to Abraham: An Internet-Linked Unit Study Review by Dawn King

By: Robin Sampson
Heart of Wisdom Publishing

Adam to Abraham is a wonderful multi-level unit study you can use to teach history to all your students from K-12 at one time.

Each of the sixteen lessons is divided into four steps. The first step, called Excite, is five or ten minutes to discuss the lesson and peak your students' interest.

The next step, Examine, contains notes and a grid dividing the print resources into three categories: K-3, 4-8, and 9-12. Each resource has a symbol beside it, marking how often you will use it if you use all Sampson's unit studies. Your older students will read the resources on their own, while you read to the younger children. You can pick and choose which resources to use or even use what you have on hand that discusses the lesson's subject. There is also a separate list of Internet sites that your students can use to learn more about the topic. This should take thirty minutes to several hours, depending on your student.

Step 3, Expand, takes approximately thirty minutes to two hours and helps your student assimilate what he has learned. There are several activities to choose from as the student thinks about what he has learned and completes his project.

Step 4, Excel is the time when your student will correct or share his work. This can take up to one hour. This portion of the lesson has a checklist for the student to use as he finalizes his project to remind him to check spelling and grammar.

The book also contains a recommended resources list, a list of objectives for each lesson, and a vocabulary list to the student to learn.

Sampson's four-step method for teaching history is logical and mom friendly. I hope to implement her suggestions in our history study.

-- Product Review by: Dawn King, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine