Episode 81: Benefits of Test Taking in High School

Are your children nervous about taking tests? Do you fail to see the benefits of test taking? In Episode 81 of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show, Stephanie Morrison shares ways in which test taking can be beneficial and how to help your children improve their test scores. Find the show notes for “Benefits of Test Taking in High School” on HomeschoolShow.com.
Connect with The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine
For more on test taking, click on the links to these recent articles from The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine:
- What Colleges Want: AP Test Scores (I find tremendous advantage to using AP tests for our homeschool.)
- The Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing (Used properly, standardized testing can help you determine where your children excel and where they might need some extra help.)
- Is Your Child A Poor Test Taker? 3 Ways to Improve Scores (You can make a huge difference in a student’s life, by showing him how to study for tests, by using both sides of his brain.)
- A Look at the CLT (Classical Learning Test)—An Alternative to the SAT and ACT (Your test score does not define you—your score is a test score. It’s a good snapshot of where you’re at academically at a given moment in time.)
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Connect with The Master and His Apprentices
TheMasterAndHisApprentices.com offers an affordable full-credit art history curriculum and full-credit studio art course for homeschooled teens. For more information, including samples and reviews, please visit TheMasterAndHisApprentices.com.
Connect with Resources Mentioned by the Host
ScienceDirect article, Ten Benefits of Testing and Their Applications to Educational Practice
Connect with HomeschoolingFinds.com
Calling all homeschooling families! Elevate your homeschooling experience with HomeschoolingFinds.com. From curriculum guides to art supplies, we’ve got trusted evaluations on homeschooling resources you need for a successful and enriching school year. Start browsing today!
Find posts relating to test taking here:
- K through College Study Skills Reviews
- Study. Learn. Set Goals. (Victus Study Skills System Review)
- Why Charlotte Mason Narration Is Better Than Traditional Tests

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Connect with Upcoming Episodes
New episodes of the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show are released every Monday. Check back right here for show notes and links at HomeschoolShow.com. Here’s what you can look forward to next:
- 8/19/24: Episode 82—“Methods, Styles, and Philosophies” hosted by Christine Weller of SchoolhouseTeachers.com
- 8/26/24: Episode 83—“Spellers and Non-Spellers: How to Teach Both” hosted by Deborah Wuehler of The Old Schoolhouse®
- 9/2/24: Episode 84—“How Important Are the Electives?” hosted by Deborah Wuehler of The Old Schoolhouse®
Questions or comments on the Hey, Mama! Homeschool Show podcast? We’d love to hear from you at HomeschoolShow@TheOldSchoolhouse.com.