Tell THE Story: Part 2

  Part one covered the “what”; now we will discover the “how” behind the powerfully educational Tell THE Story (TTS) method used by Christian missionaries across the globe. By the end of this article, you will learn how to prep yourself for TTS and be eager to learn how to prep your children—especially after exploring

Tell THE Story: Part 1

  What is the most effective education method of all time? Thousands of years before screens and curriculums, storytelling was the learning methodology of choice. As mankind’s oldest and most effective form of education, storytelling put flesh on the dry bones of history’s names, events, and dates, often happening around the family fire after a
Hey Mama
  Hey Mama, Just wanted to stop in and deliver a quick message as I run out the door. It’s ironic. I don’t know; I just found it funny and had to tell you. You know how you have been kind of down on yourself about certain things lately? You look at your friends (and

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).