A Homeschool Mother’s Secret

homeschool mother
  I’ve been having a good month. Granted as I write this, we are knee deep in a global pandemic, and I haven’t been inside of a grocery store in a coon’s age. Hopefully by the time you read this, we will be easing back into some of what life held for us before. It

Hiking and Homemade Granola

homemade granola
  April was sure filled with showers of rain, which means May will be bountiful with blooms, buds, and new life all around. May is the perfect time to start planning family hikes and outings to local, state, or national parks. My family is blessed to live in an area where hiking trails and parks
hey mama
  Ever been terrified? Afraid of the outcome of some circumstance in your life? Maybe feeling the need of protection? David was terrified when he wrote the verse below. Enemies surrounded him; where could he turn? He turned to the only One who could protect, deliver, and keep him. When our goodness is questioned; when

Homeschooling the Masses

schools shutting down
  Homeschooling is a very popular word right now.  With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, schools have been forced to shut down, resulting in students working from home.  Suddenly, my news feed is full of parents talking about homeschooling their children, and part of me wants to shake my head. I do not want to minimalize

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).