Hey Mama
  Hey Mama, This is the day that the Lord has made! You are still breathing. Your children are healthy and whole. They ate today. Your lights are still on, and as of this minute. there is gas in your car! There will be dinner on the table tonight. You have friends who love you,

Keeping Perspective

  There is something that happens when people are introduced to their own fragile mortality. I, myself, have had to deal with life and death matters more than once. A few weeks ago, the fragility of life was no more evident than after the passing of a long-time friend. She was a beautiful soul. She

Sometimes, The Problem Is You

homeschool vacation day
  Do you ever feel like you are up against a wall with one of your children? I do, sometimes. There are days when I find that no matter what I do, I cannot read one of my kids. I try to connect with them. I try to cajole, and I even try humor. (OK
positives and negatives of homeschooling
  As a homeschooling parent I have many days where homeschooling is a joyous experience, but then there are those days, that I look at myself in the mirror and just have to ask, “What are you thinking woman?” I am sure you all have been there. On the good days, I feel like I

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).