A Little Dirt Never Hurt

  My mom recently sent me a picture of a large mason jar filled with dirt. The dirt had been swept up (by her) from the hardwood floors of my parents’ farmhouse.  She wasn’t commenting on the color or texture of the dirt. It was plain Missouri hill dirt. And I knew exactly what it
hey mama
  Hey Mama, Just wanted to stop in and deliver a quick message as we run out the door to fellowship today. It’s ironic. I don’t know; I just found it funny and had to tell you. You know how you have been kind of down on yourself about certain things lately? You look at
love the lost
  Do your children love the lost? We soon will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus and the rich salvation we have in Him. But what about those who will not be celebrating? Will we even think about them? More importantly, do our children think about them, or even realize not everyone knows

3 Tips for Getting to Church on Time

church on time
  Recently, I wrote a blog post as a reminder of the importance of attending weekly worship service. No matter which day you attend, I believe it is imperative for us to come together for encouragement and fellowship. However, as a wife and mother, I am reminded every week that my lack of preparation can

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).