From the TeachingtheWord Bible Knowledgebase Part four of a series. Read part three. Are Christian homeschooling parents in danger of raising children who are “socially stunted” or “hothouse Christians” who cannot function in the “real world”? What does Scripture say? Christian parents often express the fear that their children will be “stunted socially” if they homeschool them. Some
learning style
  Students love to learn! You may doubt the veracity of this statement if your child struggles scholastically and claims to hate school, but a dislike of school does not mean a dislike of learning. It may be that your student’s classroom experience is not matching up with his/her preferred learning style. If you are
hey mama
  Hey, Mama! What do you think about God’s provision? When comparing it to the way you and your husband provide for your own children, does it measure up? It is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking “Where is God? Why won’t He provide?” when in actuality, you may be asking for
  To help make sure my teens are prepared for the business world, I like to read business and finance blogs. I also interview business owners and consultants. One of the common themes is the lack of work ethic and basic office skills among many young people entering the work force. As homeschoolers, we can

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).