Hey Mama,
If you’re wondering whether joining a co-op is the right thing for your family, read these articles:
To Co-op or Not to Co-Op-That is the Question”
10 Essential Elements of a Successful Homeschool Co-op”
Now here’s some encouragement as you make decisions about co-ops, curriculum, and other things.
You have freedom to love, freedom to make choices-good or bad-and freedom to pray. Freedom to read God’s word openly and as often as you want. Freedom to hide Bible verses in your heart (and your kids’ hearts). Freedom to discipline your children in love, to build their character, to mold them into lovers of God. To model Christ to them.
Freedom to pursue your interests, freedom to encourage your children to pursue … and to help them succeed. Freedom to laugh and dance and speak your mind. Freedom to cry, to mourn, to grieve. To fall on your knees and cry out to the King of kings. To bury your face in Him.
Daughter of the King, you are free. God has given you SO much, and tonight, His hand is on your head.
Your day may not have started out wonderfully, but it just ended with the right perspective. The God of the universe loves you and desires your children’s hearts. The Lord God who blesses over and over again (and you know this is true); He is a Father to the fatherless, THE lover of our very soul. Reach upwards; look up. Get your eyes on Him tonight. Life is good. Life is just fine. He’s in it and He IS it.
His hand is on your head tonight, Mama.
~ gena
Get a copy of
Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them And Not Burn Out by Carol Topp, CPA at
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Relational Homeschooling
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The Art of Reading
Walking Worthy of Your Calling
When you decide to homeschool your children, you announce to the world that, despite the presence of legions of trained professionals who will educate them for free, you will do it yourself, at your own expense. Of course, in making this announcement, you also imply that you can do it better, all by yourself.
That’s a pretty bold thing to say, don’t you think? Do you ever wonder whether you promised more than you can deliver when you said it? What kind of expertise do you really have, after all? How will your limited resources of time, energy and money ever compete, much less outperform, those of the government school system?
If you’re a Christian, you may find strength by remembering that you’ve been called by God to this task, and that where He has called, he will also answer with strength and provision. All that is necessary for success is to continue faithfully where He leads, trusting Him to provide–or, in the words of Ephesians 4:1, to “walk worthy of the calling in which you were called.”
I think this is a powerful reminder for homeschool parents that can really help us in our work, as long as we don’t misunderstand it. What is our calling, after all, and what does it mean to “walk worthy” of it?
First, we must realize that before God called us to homeschool our children, He called us to be
His children. God’s grace in the salvation of sinners, His complete provision for the needs of the weak, the helpless, the broken, and the dead, is the calling in which you were called. Though you will never offer Him anything He needs in return, He saved you in His infinite love.
So how can a homeschool parent “walk worthy” of this calling? What sorts of behaviors should we commit ourselves to in pursuit of it?
If you think “worthy” means “deserving,” you probably have a long list of such behaviors, and they constantly remind you what a failure you are, in homeschooling and in life. After all, the only way to deserve the calling of God is to achieve perfection.
But can Ephesians really be admonishing us to “walk in such a way as to deserve the calling of God?” How can God demand that we perform for His approval, when the calling He offers is designed specifically for those who cannot perform? This would be the same as saying, “walk in such a way that you don’t need God’s free gift of grace for undeserving sinners.”
If you think “worthy” means “appropriate,” however, this Scriptural reminder has the power to encourage and inspire. This is because walking in a manner
appropriate to the calling of God is a much simpler task that trying to deserve it.
If God’s calling is His unmerited favor toward unworthy sinners, then being appropriate objects of His calling means
being unworthy sinners. “Walking worthy” of this calling means remaining as weak, helpless and human as we were on the day He first called us. This passage reminds us that Christianity is a work of God, from beginning to end, and that He will provide everything necessary to accomplish it.
As a homeschooling Dad, I find great comfort in this reminder of my insufficiency and of God’s inexhaustible provision. Among other things, it reinforces a critical distinction: saying that I will educate my kids myself is not the same thing as declaring that I have everything they need. I have precious little, as a matter of fact–but the God who calls us both has resources to spare, and He has made them available to me in a thousand ways. Neighbors, friends, and family to encourage me and help me carry the load; books and materials to help me in the daily tasks of homeschooling; pastors and teachers to encourage and train me for the work.
I can be comfortable with my own limitations because where God calls, He always answers. I rejoice that I am worthy of His calling, not because of my performance, but because of His love.
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Can I Use SchoolhouseTeachers.com in a Co-op?
We would love for you to use one or more of the courses on SchoolhouseTeachers.com for your group, and we’ve created a special membership for that. Check out our Co-Ops and Group page for more information.
Latest News-New Classes for High School
Have you seen the latest courses on SchoolhouseTeachers.com? We’ve added an apologetics course, two new high school science courses, web game design, and more!
- Apologetics: Creation vs. Evolution looks at more than 150 different reference materials that examine the claims of evolution and Creationism. Each weekly lesson includes a video (approximately 30-40 minutes long) with study worksheets to complete. This course is designed for students 12 and older, and families are encouraged to take the class together and discuss what is being learned.
- Earth Science is a full-year course designed for students in grades 7-9. Each session consists of three different types of activities: video lessons to watch, notes for the student to fill out as he/she watches the video lesson, and a worksheet to complete that will help the student study for the quiz. Quizzes, as well as answer keys, are provided. The course will explore aspects of geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy.
- Advanced Chemistry covers all the basic topics of general chemistry. As an advanced course, it is suitable for grades 11-12 and would be best appreciated by a student who has already had a basic introduction to chemistry. This course includes approximately 25 hours of video instruction, supplemental readings, extensive practice exercises, and answer keys.
- Chemistry Help by Matthew Poston includes thirty-six short instructional chemistry videos (between 5 and 15 minutes in length), printable worksheets, printable answer keys, and video explanations of the answer keys. It is designed to help expand on topics typically studied in high school chemistry such as scientific notation, mass and weight, conversions, significant digits, covalent compounds, ions, polyatomic ions, ionic compounds, energy, states of matter, specific heat, and latent heat. It is not designed to serve as a stand-alone class but rather an in-depth tutorial for extra help and practice.
- Web Game Design teaches students how to create some simple games right in their web browser. This is a programming-centric class, meaning the students will be writing (typing) code to make things happen. The course will cover topics including starting a JavaScript game, handling images and sound effects, input fields, 2D frame animation, virtual worlds, and much more.
- People and Places of World War II is a series of stand-alone unit studies for elementary students. The first unit, “The Who’s Who of WWII and the Paths Leading Them to War,” covers twenty-one lessons and is an excellent supplement to an upper elementary student’s history class or introduction to this period of history for younger elementary students. The class consists of numerous games and activities, puzzles, projects, and links to additional resources.
Plus you can buy two years for the price of one during our back-to-school sale! You pay $139 for TWO years of full access to EVERY course for the ENTIRE family, and there are no hidden textbook fees. The sale ends September 21, 2015. See site for details and Join Today!
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—CA Kannapolis, NC
“…I appreciate them both so much. I love Diana’s passion for teaching history in a fun and interesting way. And that she is all about relationships first. I love that about Todd as well, and that he always, always says it is okay to relax about the schooling.“
—Mara Martin
Everett, WA
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