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HELP! I'm Married to a Homeschooling Mom Review by Kim Wolf

By Todd Wilson
Familyman Ministries

Gee, I feel like I’ve just been let in on something I wasn’t supposed to know! I’ve been let in on how my husband can better understand me from a male point of view. I just read Todd Wilson’s excellent book, “HELP! I’m Married to a Homeschooling Mom.” This should be a “must read” for all homeschool dads!

Todd has combined his great sense of humor and story-telling ability with the truths that we homeschool moms wish we could politely tell our husbands without sounding like dripping faucets. Now, you can let Todd do it for you! In less than 100 pages he has covered chapters such as: Your Wife Needs: Your Help…Your Encouragement…Your Leadership…Your Muscle…Your Approval…Your Prayers…and much more!

Included in the text are samples of his famous cartoons depicting homeschool life…classics! If your husband isn’t normally a reader, I still think he will enjoy this. As Todd says, it’s the perfect book for a man: short with cartoons!

--Product Review by: Kim Wolf, Staff Writer, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine