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Master American History in 1 Minute a Day Review by Renita Kuehner

Dan Roberts
1254 Commerce Way Sanger, CA 93657

Can you imagine having the opportunity to learn American History in about a minute each day? We recently had the opportunity to review Master American History in 1 Minute A Day by Dan Roberts. What a wonderful way to take in history!

Most people today race to get their news in short bursts. News stations rush to get the highest priority news and weather done in the first few minutes of their 30-minute show. I find myself grabbing bits of news from Facebook News posts and Breaking News in text messages throughout the day. I honestly do not have time to sit and watch a 30-45-minute newscast. But can you study all American History this way? We evaluated this theory using Master American History in 1 Minute A Day.

Master American History in 1 Minute A Day is an easily transportable book. It is six inches by four inches and about 400 pages in length. The cover is a durable paper, that we have found to be very backpack friendly. You might ask how I used this as a history curriculum for my kids. It was quite easy.

We started at the beginning and they looked at an event each day. Some days we read the event together, and others my students were assigned to read the event on their own. Each page is 2-3 paragraphs of information about a person or event. I then asked them to look up extra videos or facts on their own. I would casually ask them questions to make sure they had done what was asked of them. A few times, to help with their writing, I also had them write a short essay of 2-3 paragraphs. It was that easy. With the considerable number of historical documentaries out there, I could turn that one minute of history each day, into a full lesson.

To help visual learners, on the bottom of the pages there is a timeline of the events. Students can track the red bar as they read their way through the book. I liked this handy little bar as a visual reminder about how far an event was either away from present or how close it happened to the present day. Each page for the event or historical person also had either artwork or a photograph. This helps with that adage, of putting a face with a name. You can see the event and where you are in time.

Master American History in 1 Minute A Day is not meant to be a stand-alone American history program. Adults can use it to refresh themselves on history. Or it can be used to supplement the current program that you are using. Since my daughter is enjoying history right now, the short bursts that she reads each day allows her to continue cultivating this love without her anxiety coming out.

-Product review by Renita Kuehner, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, March 2020