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The Seventh One Review by Heather W. Allen

By Elizabeth Yates
(BJUP) Journey Forth
ISBN 1-57924-981-7.
Fiction: Young Adult

WOW! I'm not sure how best to sum up this incredible book. I was captivated from the first word and didn't stop until I turned the last page, disappointed that this story had to end.

Tom, the main character, takes the reader through his life by focusing on his seven dogs. Over the years, these dogs provided love, comfort, companionship, humor, and a host of other gifts to Tom and others.

Mrs. Yates expertly and compassionately captures the bond between Tom and each of these seven dogs. More importantly, Mrs. Yates shares her love of dogs with the reader in a way that only one who truly knows and loves dogs can do.

I found myself laughing out loud, crying for Tom, and remembering dogs from my life, as well as those with whom we currently share our home. In fact, while the book is written for young adults, my 81-year-old mother read it and said everyone should read this book. Now, my 10-year-old son is reading it and we have a list of readers waiting for the book to be passed on.

I'm not sure I've enjoyed, nor been so moved by a book like this in many years. In fact, we enjoyed this book so much we went to the local book store and purchased several other books they had in stock by Mrs. Yates. Regardless of your age, please read The Seventh One, by Elizabeth Yates. You'll not be disappointed.

-- Product Review by: Heather W. Allen, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine