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The Road to Reality: Coming Home to Jesus From the Unreal World Review by Kendra Fletcher

By K.P. Yohannen
GFA Books

We homeschoolers are a busy lot. You may be wondering where in your day you might have time to read a book that isn't curriculum related. But every once in awhile a book comes along that deserves our attention, and can possibly change our life for the glory of God as well.

K.P.Yohannen is a man with a passionate heart for the Gospel and those dying having never heard it's life-giving message. He founded Gospel for Asia in 1978 with the dream of training native missionaries to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their fellow Asians and has seen that dream become a reality with over 8,000 church planters currently being trained to reach the unreached.

Along the way, Dr. Yohannen has attended and spoken at thousands of churches and missions conferences in North America. The Western church's apathy toward the unsaved he has encountered along the way not only alarmed and grieved him, it spurred him on to write The Road to Reality: Coming Home to Jesus From the Unreal World.

The observations Dr. Yohannen makes about our Western churches, our overly programmed lives, and our accompanying spiritual immaturity are painfully true. It's difficult not to see ourselves in a statement such as, "A look at our church activity calendars reveals not a body of givers, but a society of receivers." And once I found myself admitting that I was pegged on the pages of The Road to Reality: Coming Home to Jesus From the Unreal World, I subsequently found myself thirsting after the authentic Christianity, the fellowship with Christ, and the selfless living that Dr. Yohannen points us toward in the bulk of the book.

After all, when Christ calls us to Him and we are reminded of His redeeming work on the cross on our behalf, it is impossible to resist His call to put down our nets, pick up our cross, and follow Him. It's just that in our modern world of comfortable living and material goods, we tend to lose site of the basic reality of the life of a believer - we are made to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, not over-commit ourselves to church activity and busyness that makes us look spiritual. A contemporary Phariseeism, if you will.

The Road to Reality: Coming Home to Jesus From the Unreal World made me re-examine my motives for homeschooling. It made me stop and think about the choices we are making for our family. Is our highest goal to bring glory to God? Are we concerned about the lost and dying, including those right under our noses - our children? Or am I more concerned about math curriculum, chore charts, obligatory family devotions, church fellowship lunches, etc. ad nauseum?

Our children can certainly benefit from its message as well. Our oldest became a teenager this week, and I couldn't help but think that he should also read The Road to Reality: Coming Home to Jesus From the Unreal World. Anyone on the cusp of adulthood, anyone praying about what God might have them to do and how they might serve Him with their time and talents would do well to read this engaging and thought-provoking book.

While we in our humanity often fall short of the glory of God, Dr. Yohannen encourages us to "Remember, we are called to be soldiers. He is on our side. He loves us always, in spite of our failures, and He wants to make us into the image of His Son. For this He has called you. Don't give up."

-- Product Review by Kendra Fletcher, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, March, 2006