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More Devotions for Homeschool Moms Review by Jenefer Igarashi

By Jackie Wellwood
Crossway Books

When I stopped by the Publisher’s office to peruse the stack of review materials sent in, it was Jackie Wellwood’s More Devotions for Homeschool Moms that Gena held up and for which she “volunteered” me. Don’t get me wrong - Gena Suarez is a great publicist, but she can be really sneaky. I took one look at this breath-taking, lovely cover and nodded enthusiastically. The Bait. It looks like it should be framed and hanging on a wall. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it. Then my eyes fell on the title. “Devotions?” I asked. This irritated me. Trapped. She knows I’m not a devotional-book-type-of-person. “Just take a look at it,” she said. “Look how lovely it is.”

“Forget it,” I snarled respectfully. I went to strengthen my reasons for being unable to review the book, but her office phone rang.

I have read too many devotionals that only ended up depressing me with the realizations of how short I fall from being just like the perfect Wonder Woman Christian author. Others have tempted me to be unloving as the devotions sympathetically crooned, in 20 minutes or less a day, about how I ought to think more highly of myself and draw boundaries for those loved-ones in my life who need to be straightened out. Sometimes I would become irritated as the devotional simply rambled on (sometimes aimlessly) using unlikely scenarios or out-of-touch examples with which I could not relate. Maybe you have had the same experience, so you can sympathize with me. I was un-interested times two. No more devotions for me thanks.

But Gena refused to be deterred. Her first conversation ended, but then all of a sudden she had another terribly important phone call to make, so I reluctantly sat down and started thumbing through my dreaded new assignment.

The first page I flipped to was titled, “Discouraged by the Foolish,” and the verse caption underneath read, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” First of all, this didn’t sound like your ordinary flowery-sappy-sweet woman’s devotional. Secondly, this topic happens to be a major lesson that our family stresses, as we feel convicted to choose our children’s peers. People generally think that’s weird. So I read it. It was filled with amazing wisdom and was an untraditional, welcomed relief from the constant stream of psychological nonsense, which insists children are wise enough to discern truth among a group of peers. The more I read, the more I was pleasantly shocked and surprised. All right, so I was compelled, but it was only one page. Surely, a devotional author would have at least something true and/or beneficial. But what about the rest of it?

I looked up at my publisher; she was still just chatting away. She sort of glanced at me and waved, letting me know it would be a little while. So I gave it another shot. Next page that I flipped to had me riveted as well. This book spoke to me - a busy homeschool mom, who is not perfect and knows it, but truly loves God and desires to know Him more and lead my children to Him. It was so relevant! Mrs.Wellwood spoke with such truth, humility and honesty, that I was left nearly speechless (not a common trait). Sixteen pages later, I was (unintentionally) ignoring the Gena, who was now off the phone, and reading furiously. I finally looked up, realizing I was being rude, and started reading out loud to her. She, too, was impressed with the way Mrs. Wellwood absolutely nailed issues that we face as wives, mothers, and teachers, drawing upon total Christ-centered wisdom and truth (much of it done in a gently humorous way that left me chuckling with “I SO know THAT one” nods).

If you are a devotional book person, here is one that you will cherish (I have not put my copy down since!), and if you are not a devotional book person, perhaps, like me, you simply have not found one as unique and edifying as this one. I heartily encourage you to give it a try. As homeschool moms we are busy. It is easy to believe that we are too busy for even five minutes to read. But what a needed encouragement! What I found with More Devotions for Homeschool Moms, is that I was reminded of why my choice to homeschool is still so precious and relevant, and how when I can get out of myself and truly let God, the results are proven and consistently amazing. He is Truth and Life, even on the hardest days and through the toughest times. This is honestly the first truly beneficial devotional for women that I have ever come across. If it points you to your Savior, it is always worth the time. You will also want to check out Jackie’s earlier works, The Busy Mom’s Guide to Simple Living and Devotions for Homeschool Moms. They are both filled with genuinely helpful tips, suggestions, ideas, and encouraging messages. And even better, I noticed that reading through her works, you are allowed a glimpse into the person of Jackie Wellwood as she grows along the way in her writings. She is so gracious, well-written, very funny, and tremendously humble. We loved her work so much that we are in the works to bring you a write up in the winter issue of the The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine! You will not want to miss it!

Excellent find, as usual, Crossway!

--Product Review by: Jenefer Igarashi, Senior Editor, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine

Here’s more on Crossway Books!

R.C. Sproul, Max Lucado, Joni Eareckson Tada, John MacArthur, Barbara Rainey, Frank Peretti - these are godly men and women who have inspired, encouraged, and challenged me in my walk with Christ. Interestingly, something that all of these wonderful authors have in common is the choice they made to depend on the amazing Crossway Books Publishing House as their vehicle to reach others for the Lord. That is quite a trustworthy list of names!

I have been so pleased and excited with all that Crossway Books offers. And as a homeschooler, I truly appreciate it when I find a Christian publishing house with a strong dedication to right theology, one that provides truly beneficial, worthwhile works, aimed to equip the reader with godly principles, tips, encouragement, wisdom, etc., which points both the heart and mind to Christ.

It is hard to imagine that the prestigious, well-known, and loved Good News publishing ministry came from the meager background that it did. Crossway Books was developed along the way and has now been a trusted, not-for-profit resource for great Christian literature since 1979. The story of one man’s (Clyde Dennis) incredible vision and journey that sprang from a passion to proclaim the Gospel is absolutely heartwarming and inspiring - one man CAN make a difference and God does provide (you will want to read the story on their site, It’s precious!).

Over the past 20 years, Crossway Books has become a well-respected and trusted leader in the publishing world, offering the very best in Christian titles, fiction and non-fiction alike. We, here at TOS™, are happy to pass on the great treasures we find from Crossway. They are truly a stand-up company and have done an incredible job at finding the very best authors and writers for you! You will want the following great works in your own Homeschool Library - they are sure to become well worn and much loved!