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Remembering God's Awesome Acts Review by Holly Cameron

By Susan Mortimer
Eagle's Wings Educational Materials
P.O. Box 502
Duncan, OK 73534

Trying to put Remembering God's Awesome Acts into a "subject slot" is very difficult, for this is actually more like a unit study, but not quite! Confused? You don't need to be! Remembering God's Awesome Acts (hereon known as RGAA) is a consumable work text that takes you from Genesis 1 through 12 and does it in a very unique manner. The student will draw, write, make speeches and do drama. There is a lot of cutting and pasting as well, along the lines of Eagles Wings' other product, Considering God's Creation. There are geography, anthropology, archaeology, and linguistics studies, all designed to give the student a better understanding of the Bible. To say this is a history text alone would not be quite accurate, although it does cover much of the history from Creation on up through Ancient Egypt. I would say the primary focus would be Bible and Ancient History. You would definitely need to add math, science and language arts to your day. The teacher's book is not laid out into lessons, so you will have to figure out how much you want to cover in a set day, but there are directions for each page, so you can judge what amount would be good for your set time. This is unlike any book I have ever seen or used. It has been around since 1977, so has stood the test of time, and contains wonderful pieces of information that most history courses gloss over. Your student will never do the same thing twice, so if diversity is what you're looking for, this is a good place to start!

An online friend once described her days using this curriculum and her words were so good in describing this program, I've used them here! I've misplaced her name, so forgive me for reprinting her words without due credit! She says: Your child will never be doing the same thing twice. One day, you are studying monotheism vs. atheism or pantheism vs. polytheism and another day you are drawing your hand. You will study Satan in the Garden of Eden and twisted truth. Another day, you will be learning about rhyme in the Bible and trying it for yourself. You will study Noah and his ark (and how he got all the critters on, or did he have to?). You will learn about the various amounts of languages in the world (VERY surprising to me!) and what percentage of people speak a language other than English. You will learn about ziggurats and you will learn about the Rosetta stone. You will study Egypt, how to draw Egyptian pictures (there is a formula!) and your child will cut and paste the various layers found in one mummy's "casket" (Some pages are gold, to represent the layers which are gold).

It's all very cool, and unless your child really dislikes crafty things like cutting and pasting, they will enjoy this course. The course is good for anywhere from a 4th grade to a 6th grade student, although it would be very easy to take off and go on some major rabbit trails and involve your older students on some of the research. When you are finished, you have a very cool notebook full of all the work that has been accomplished. I found the book a little hard to get the hang of at the beginning, since it really is so different from most books, but once you sit down and read it through and think it out, it becomes clearer and easier to use. The major focus throughout is God, and that is wonderful when you are looking for a Christian history course. The cost is very affordable, at $35.00 for the teacher and student book, so it is worth having, even just to supplement your other activities. I really liked the "whole picture" of this course!

-- Product Review by: Holly Cameron, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine