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Home Science Adventures Review by Heidi Shaw

Science Learning Kits
By Andrew and Briana Stratton
Stratton House Science

Wow! This is an idea that has been needed for a LONG time. Home school science kits with everything in the box. Not only are these kits complete, engaging, and just plain fun; the Stratton's include enough supplies in each kit for two students to use together. Hands-on science is even more fun when done together. I received a box brimming with supplies for three different units. Birds, Astronomy, Magnetism; we just couldn't decide where to start. These kits all have a huge "cool" quotient. When the kids are engaged the job is half done. My kids were all over these kits and really didn't care that they were supposed to be for "school," who was I to correct them? We have had a lot of fun with this kit and I know you will too. No matter which kit you decide on, there is enough to keep the kids going for weeks with interesting experiments and complete notes for the teacher. The Stratton's have included science notes and worksheets, which make this a complete curriculum on its own. Very little teacher time is required. You can literally read the notes in one minute and, depending on the age of the kids, let them go to it. They also can be the perfect complement to any text-based curriculum you may be using. Just choose the topic that matches a unit you will be working on and let the kids do the exploring themselves. It is through the activity that the children learn. It is a huge thing for them to make their own observations and draw their own conclusions. The children will retain so much from getting their hands on the activity themselves. Choices are many and within each kit there are many experiments. Everything you need to complete these experiments is included (with the exception of a pop bottle or other common house hold items). The "brains" behind Stratton House is Andrew Stratton who has degrees in both physics and science education. Together with his incredibly creative wife Briana, a niche in the home school market has been filled! To see the whole range and all the combination possibilities you really need to visit their website at Here's a quick rundown on the kits I received for review - which, by the way, can be purchased in a combo kit for a great savings on an already great price!

Birds comes with everything to attract and observe birds. Binoculars that are definitely more tool than toy, a field guide to your local area, even birdseed and a feeder! The study guide walks the children through the physical parts of a bird, how they see, what they eat, even how they fly. Lots of fun stuff is included as well, even feathers to make quill pens! And remember there is two of everything so the older children can work with the younger ones. Twenty activities and 14 activities will fill many hours with adventure.

Astronomy is night sky explorations made fun! Create artificial gravity, build a solar system, and chart your own stars! My son loves this stuff and I am enjoying science for the first time in a very long time. From the phases of the moon to gravity on other planets, this kit will enhance any study on astronomy for any age group. Younger ones will probably appreciate this kit more if they experience it with an older sibling or a parent. Twenty-two activities and 16 lessons all make for a great time and lots of learning!

Magnetism is one of my children's favorite topics, so I was curious to see what they would make of the suggested activities included with the kit. Although we haven't tried them all yet, they are very impressed with what they have done so far. Experiments with levitation, making a compass, even learning how to use a compass by following a treasure map; every eight-year-old's dream! Electromagnetism is included as well. I can see us using this kit many times over. The student worksheets are well done and don't really need parental involvement, except that I can't keep away from all that fun. When completed, the children have a very nice unit journal that will impress anyone looking for "creditable" course work. The Stratton's also include some thoughts on how to help the children create their own science notebooks. Some families will want to add more written work and others will simply enjoy the adventure of the experiments. With Stratton House Science kits, either way is a winner and you will not be disappointed with your choice.

-- Product Review by: Heidi Shaw, staff reviewer; The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine