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Nutrient-Based Psychiatry Review by Jennifer King

A Nutritional Prescription for ADHD
Emanuel Frank, MD

My oldest son really struggles when it comes to learning, mostly due to ADHD; he really struggles with focus and attention. Having a background in psychology myself, I am always eager to find natural ways to help him to live up to his full potential. Nutrient-based psychiatry is one of those things that intrigues me because if we are totally honest, it’s hard to maintain a good healthy diet nowadays. A nutritional prescription for ADHD? I think that is just what the doctor should order.


This book is written in three parts; the first part is written for adults and parents of children with ADHD to help obtain a better understanding of alternative treatment methods to consider. Part two is written mostly for medical professionals but can still be a great resource for adults and parents. This covers the science behind nutrient based psychiatry. Part three is specifically for medical professionals and includes specific treatment strategies to be used for treatment.


We learn about Nutrient Based Psychiatry (NBP) which is meant to be used as a complement to psychiatry; the majority of the treatments involve dietary and supplemental treatments. As we read we gain a greater understanding of conventional treatments and psychotropic medications which (surprisingly) are only used by a minority of psychiatrists. This helps us to understand more completely the benefits of one form of treatment versus another or in addition to the other. As we read, hopefully we can increase the number who are treated in a more natural and holistic fashion. Certainly the more we know, the more confidence we will feel in working for our children.


As we continue to read we also gain a greater understanding of the benefits of dietary interventions and supplements; its complicated but this book definitely helps make it a bit easier to understand. We learn about cell structure, neurotransmitters and the brain itself so that we can better understand the benefits of nutritional supplements that can effect change in those with ADHD. There is even a wealth of information on how common medications used can have an adverse effect on needed nutrients in the body.


This book provides so much more information than I would have imagined! Not sure what to expect from the assessment? This thoroughly covers many of the methods used so you know what to expect. When it comes to treatment there is an even greater wealth of information. In regard to additional issues like allergic hypersensitivity and sleep disorders (these are both certainly issues with our son) it can be overwhelming, but the chapters are very well written; informative but also short and simple. Herbal and metabolic supplements are listed (there are so many of them) along with nutritional supplements and case studies to show possible scenarios for various combinations of treatment.



If you are looking for something that provides extensive detail in regard to the options available for treatment this is a great book to study. This covers an extensive amount of scientific material; they do also provide numerous visuals to make it easier to understand the fluid mosaic model or the sources of oxidative stress. While this is not meant to be used as a do-it-yourself guide, this is definitely an amazing resource to have to assist you in navigating and understanding all of the options that are available when it comes to treatment. This is definitely a wonderful resource for any medical professional or parent/caregiver of a loved one diagnosed with ADHD.

-Product review by Jennifer King, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, July, 2018