Submitting answers for Summer 2015

Can you find the apples?

We’ve hidden 7 apples in this issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine.

As you read through the magazine, jot down where you see these TOS Apple 300x375 092214. Then enter your answers below.

One person* who finds all the apples will be selected to win a Kindle Fire!

Will that be you?

*Contest ends August 15. Winner will be drawn from all entrants who submit the correct number of apples in the Summer 2015 issue of TOS magazine. Open only to individuals who have a U.S. postal address.

TOS employees, contractors, product reviewers, and Crew members are not eligible to enter. Entry into this contest will automatically subscribe you to The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine’s free newsletter, The Homeschool Minute™. You may unsubscribe at any time. Click here for a complete set of rules.

Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6