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Reaching the Heart of Your Child Review by Jennifer Barker

Ginger Plowman
Preparing the Way Ministries
518 Camelot Way
Opelika, AL 36801

Reaching the Heart of Your Child is a three-disc DVD series (or sessions) by Ginger Plowman. Ginger is the founder of Preparing the Way Ministries and is also the author of Don’t Make Me Count to Three, Wise Words for Mom, and Heaven at Home. This series of sessions are based on the book Don’t Make Me Count to Three.
In the first two sessions she talks about how to apply the Bible in child training. Training is not just telling a child what not to do, but what to do according to God’s Word. The third session discusses the actual use of the “rod.”
Session 1 is titled, “How to Reach the Heart of Your Child”. Ginger begins with how to draw out what is going on in the heart of your child. Reaching past the outward behavior to the heart is of utmost importance. Dealing just with the child’s behavior only teaches them that they can put up a good front without having to change their attitude. Training the child to look at their heart and examine it is the theme of this session.
Session 2 is titled, “Taming the Tongue: How to Give a Biblical Reproof.” This one teaches parents the importance of controlling their tongue. Not only is the negative use of the tongue important to watch out for, but the proper use of the tongue is equally important. Ginger gives a list of important responsibilities that we as parents have, which include the tongue and our own example.
Session 3 is titled, “The Bottom Line: The Biblical Use of the Rod.” The theme of this session is the proper use of discipline. She includes the reasons for spanking and gives a list of excuses that people use to not discipline. There are some occasions that don’t require discipline. Ginger mentions these and also lists the times that do need discipline. Lastly, she gives nine practical guidelines when administering the “rod.”

What I really enjoyed about this series was Ginger’s humility in approaching this sensitive subject. She was just speaking as a mom to other mom’s and dad’s. But, she has also been a mom for 13 years (when this was produced). She has travelled down this road and is willing to teach us what the Lord has taught her. I will not hesitate to watch these again. Anyone with children in the home would benefit from this product.

Product review by Jennifer Barker, The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, LLC, September 2008