Writing Woes & Wonders Bundle


Does your child hate to write? Can he weave a beautiful story verbally but come up empty when asked to put one on paper? Are you looking for ideas to help him transfer all those vivid tales into print? Order this bundle today to help your child.


eBook #1: Growing Authors and Illustrators

Did you ever wonder if creative tendencies are somehow genetically predisposed?

Did you know that your life experiences are worth recording? How can you establish a creative home environment for your children?
Find out so many ways that you can make your home an environment for creativity that your children can benefit from for their entire lives in the WeE-book™ . . .

Growing Authors and Illustrators By Jill Novak

In this WeE-book™ you will learn about making your home a haven of creativity and originality in the many ideas and suggestions offered to you by Jill Novak. Unleash your child’s God-given ability to express himself through writing and/or drawing by just creating the environment for self-expression.

Enjoy learning the many ways to encourage your children to write and draw in a very natural way.

eBook #2: Helping the Reluctant Writer

Would you like to see your kids jump to their pens and paper? Enthusiastic kids whom you have to pull away from their writing? Why do so many children fall into the category of reluctant writers? Chances are, you have one in your household too! Gain new insight into practical ways to nullify the problems and produce kids who enjoy writing, when you read the WeE-book™. . .Helping the Reluctant Writer By Lee Roddy

Find wisdom and answers that really work! Identifying two prominent parts to the problem is the first step toward turning attitudes around and helping children find pleasure in writing. Learn from others’ experiences! Mr. Roddy shares how a classroom of very reluctant writing students did a U-turn. It’s possible to do the same in your homeschool classroom!

In the pages of this WeE-book™, you’ll find sensible, skilled support from a writing expert:

  • Create and Structure—How do you define a “story”? How do you create a setup for writing success? Mr. Roddy uses his own work as an example to highlight the process from simple idea to award-winning story. “Reluctant writers who follow the guidelines in this section will find that creating a story is easier and more fun when the writer’s attitude is favorable to writing and when he is confident because he knows what goes into a story,” he writes.
  • From Reluctant to Excited—Have a child who will not write? Be inspired by the true story of how a classroom of reluctant writing students became excited and avid writers. What worked for them can work for your child!
  • Conclusion—You may want to try both methods and see what works best with your individual students.
  • Further Resources—You’ll be blessed with these writings by other authors too!

Show your kids how easy and fun it is to write that story!

eBook #3: Why Does My Child Hate to Write

Does your child hate to write? Can he weave a beautiful story verbally but come up empty when asked to put one on paper? Are you looking for ideas to help him transfer all those vivid tales into print?

Here is some wonderfully practical advice to help you help your child become an interesting and prolific writer from the

WeE-book™ . . .

Why Does My Child Hate to Write?

By Carol Barnier Discover some imaginative and effective ideas for guiding the child whose problem is not his imagination, but his distaste for physically writing. Here is a sampling of the topics this WeE-book™ will cover:

  • Learning the keyboard.
  • Don’t worry about writing in classes except for writing class.
  • A new twist to group writing.
  • Writing for an audience.
  • Keeping handwriting in perspective.

Take the dread out of writing for your student and make your homeschool a happier place when you apply the advice from . . .

Why Does My Child Hate to Write?—A WeE-book™ Now!




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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6).