Missing in Action or Mentoring in Action?


Are you a source for advice and information, ready to share what you have learned through the years with new homeschooling moms? Understand why it is important to be a mentor to other moms who need you.


Do you take the time to help guide new homeschooling moms? Are you a source for advice and information, ready to share what you have learned through the years? Or are you, like so many others, so busy that it is hard enough to find the time to shower each day, let alone find enough time to impart wisdom upon those who need it?

“Now, here I am, closing in on 40, and I’m loath to admit that I’m becoming a full-fledged member of the neglectful MIA bunch.” Missing in Action or Mentoring in Action? By Jeannie Fulbright.  This WeE-book™ will help you understand why it is so important to be a mentor to other moms who need you. It is so easy to become wrapped up in the day-to-day busyness and forget that others might need the comfort or insight of someone who has been there and done that.

“Yes, I’m learning that mentoring in snippets, if you will, can be quite valuable for the kingdom of God.”

Share what you know, and who knows whose life you may touch.

Jeannie Fulbright demonstrates what can happen when you allow yourself to open up and support others in their journey.


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